Yes, we like to talk about the show. Indeed some of us frequently feel compelled to do so, often out of rage and frustration. But we have fertile minds including some rampant imaginations. Consequently we often wander away to other topics. Then we get moderated. Here we can chatter away freely. Though I suggest we start off each day with some comments that arise from watching the latest edition of The One Show.
Cretinous Fuckwittery!
When you allow mentally ill people to set the rules for everyone else, you
end up living in an insane asylum! is brought to y...
3 weeks ago
Hi there, what a relief to be free of the restrictive moderation of the One Show. I hope to see many old friends here!
ReplyDeleteHello jadedoldie,
ReplyDeleteJust in case you had not guessed already 'JH' is me , John Holyer.
I'm going to put some photos on later.
regards John
I knew in a HEARTBEAT it was you JH, this is such a wonderful gift you have given us, I am quite emotional!
ReplyDeleteNice to see you, nice!
ReplyDeleteastro, great to see you, Isn't this fun!
ReplyDeleteIt is good to be among friends. Where is HKA?
ReplyDeleteThe posting timecodes are inaccurate. I will have to dive for the help to fix it.
ReplyDeleteHe is being very slow to join us JH, perhaps like me he has 18, yes 18 e-mails from the One Show mods to wade through! Ye gods, they are still coming!
ReplyDeleteAt the moment HKA is locked in battle with the moderators.
He will, unfortunately get no-where! Host Ryan committed himself to defending that worm Tim Rawlinson, and there is no way a Beeb employee will be forced to backtrack.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately this is one of the evenings when I am forced to be off-line for about three hours. Please do not think that I have deserted you all.
ReplyDeleteFreedom of speech at last!
ReplyDeleteWhat I really want to know is what is CB's real age and how come see can spend £4,500 on a nights barbill? God, is that my money from the licence fee?
ReplyDeleteRe your 1758: A lovely picture. Is that your garden? See you in a while.
Astro, CB's real age will NEVER be known, and she certainly wouldn't have got away with such a niggardly bar bill if I had been there!
ReplyDeleteThat is my garden John, such a beautiful sight to wake up to each morning. I am truly blessed.
When does the new producer start? Let's hope it's soon. I saw some TV exec's criticisms of the One Show and they were not kind.
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly it is still popular.
Let's hope the new one improves the show.
Jaded, that's a nice garden...not the one I tried to invade. Must have been that damned cider
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ReplyDeleteyou are all very sad and inbred beyond belief you all went off topic and cant admit to it. Host ryan was well in his right, and you did break the house rules. Now, you started a vendetta against me when I was doing nothing wrong. You are all inbred and do you honestly think the beeb are going to bother reading this thing?
ReplyDeletewtf is a fanzine just cannot let go, can you?
ReplyDeleteWe don't care what the beeb,the presenters or the mods think. All they want is one time bloggers saying that AC's shirt is great or CB's dress is pretty. They don't deal with anything contentious.
Perhaps if you got your self obsessed head out of that dark place, we could have an intelligent discussion about the show or its articles.
ReplyDeleteYour 1821: I read what you wrote. Dream away sonny because you are never going to get close to one in real life.
ReplyDeleteIn your 1824 you have asked wtf is a fanzine?
I suggest you look the word up in a dictionary or, as you may well spell it, a dickshunerey.
ReplyDeleteYour 1817: Are the criticisms you mention in the public domain?
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ReplyDeletestop witgh the childish bullshit insults
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ReplyDeleteThis is where where you have all gone to!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to everyone.
ReplyDeleteWelcome. Happy New Year
by the way i have been banned from complaining on the BBC site well done ass holes you have suceeded in damming me to a grave for no good reason. Fuck you all.
ReplyDeleteThank you John and for setting up a great blogspot.
ReplyDeletetimraw 2019
ReplyDeleteIt's a great pleasure.
Yes, it certainly is. I saw it yesterday and will try to find it again for you. Basically, said it was variously, purile, excrement and other unpleasant adjectives. I'll try to get the link for you.
JH here is link as promised. Just hope it doesn't break.It is initially about the groper Hardeep Kholi
Happy New Year Danedweller,good to see the usual names popping up, I have to confess I enjoyed watching Celeb. Mastermind instead of the One Show, but I would have been spared tonight as I am alone.
ReplyDeleteDanedweller, have read your profile, and you put me to shame, stroking the dog counts as exercise, lol. JH has done us proud with this blog, and I can hardly wait for the show to start on the 11th, so that the comments can begin inearnest!
ReplyDeleteTim Rawlins Re 2019, I think everyone declines the kind offer made in your last sentence.
ReplyDeleteHi Jadedoldie,
ReplyDeletehave been watching Mastermind also and then got side tracked. Good to see we have a great meeting place where our views can be aired without the BBC stazi.
We are an hour ahead so time to log off.
Night night.
Fucking cunts i cant even post now YOU ALL SUCK.
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ReplyDeleteI have removed your posts above because they were nothing more than multiple repetitions of the single word "asses". Which shows among other things that you cannot spell. They were a waste of space, literally.
If you want to write out lines for being a naughty boy then I suggest you do it on a sheet of paper in the privacy and loneliness of your bedroom.
I am not surprised to learn that you have been banned form the BBC site. You really are an odious pest.
John, love the header photo, need to know who they are though. Are you sure you should be cutting short a career in the making by wiping out the pearls of wisdom that are being shared with us?
ReplyDeletejadedoldie, your 09:40
ReplyDeleteGood morning,
You missed nothing on the deleted Rawlinson blogs. He just repeated the single word 'asses' line after line after line. I removed them simply because they took up too much space.
The photo above is my of two daughters and Heroi. Taken when we were living in Portugal. We used to ride a lot in those days. Heroi was a big, affectionate hunter. The riding there was excellent. We received a quality of instruction that I could never had afforded to pay for in UK. Our instructor and friend was Nuno. He was 25. He rode as if he had been born on a horse. We rode over miles of unspoilt countryside. Which include swimming with the horses in the sea.
Though Nuno could at times be excitable. On one occasion we were riding peacefully through a small village; there were 10 or so riders in our group. It then seems that a mini-market owner objected to our presence and insulted Nuno. This upset Nuno and so he took his horse for a ride inside the mini-market. Myself and a German friend then rode in to persuade Nuno to come out before he did some damage. The rude mini-market owner now had to contend with three horses walking around his shop. He was not happy. It was great fun. But I shudder to think what Nuno might have done if we had not got him out of there. Nuno was a passive chap, but he would not tolerate insults about his horses. He was proud of them.
On another occasion Nuno got us shot at by an angry farmer. The farmer was upset because Nuno had led us though his vegetable field. The farmer was particularly cross with me because my horse had nicked one of his cauliflowers and still had it in his mouth. I was trying to escape while at the same time leaning down and attempting to wrest the stolen vegetable from my horses mouth. I now had to contend with an angry and armed farmer and tussle with my horse for the possession of a cauliflower. The horse was Heroi, pictured above.
We had a wonderful time there.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies, I neglected to thank you for the link. It was interesting. I have always thought that all The One Show lacked was a good producer who respected their audience. Let' hope the new incumbent can rescue the show.
John Holyer, re your 10.45, what attractive daughters you have, but I must admit to being even more taken with Heroi. Wonderful stories, Nuno sounds a bit of a loose cannon, but what fun! There can be no better place to spend an early morning than on the beach with your horse, the Household Cavalry horses stay near us for their annual break, they are almost beside themselves with joy when they first arrive. The beach becomes one huge playground, and they become positively coltish, lol. Dignity thrown to the wind. Perhaps the One Show will benefit from a change at the helm, but I fear the problem is not confined to that specific show but is in fact systemic.
ReplyDeleteThat beautiful horse has a knowing smile and a glint in his eye. LOL
ReplyDeleteJaded;Lets hope any changes at the helm are followed by some changes in the structure of the programme itself.
ReplyDeleteWhilst going from Peter Kay to gasmeters is as funny as it is ludicrous, I do hope the new broom will put an end to the car crash show it can be. On the other hand that may be appealling to many viewers.
I would also like to see a change in some of the contributing presenters. I love Miranda, Lucy, Gyles, George( he is brilliant, but then he knows what he's talking about) and the blonde wildlife lady, whose name escapes me, but some of the other male presenters get on my nerves - Little Mr Angry, PC I'm in love with myself and if C.Thatcher doesn't come back then neither must groper Hardeep Singh Koli
In its present format the show seems to be a conflicting cross between a chat show and a magazine programme. It succeeds in neither genre. I have often thought they should dispense with the guest and concentrate on the magazine formula. Rather like the erstwhile 'Nationwide & 'Tonight', which were two successful programmes.
ReplyDeleteThe producer should fight the temptation to talk down to her audience.
astroplums, I was re-reading the blog that followed the Carol Thatcher debacle this afternoon, and I believe that's when the wheels came off the show. The whole team concerned got away with spitting in the eye of their audience, and I am convinced from then on they were assured of their invincibility. That was, in fact when I resented having to sit through the programme each evening! With the exception of Lucy, who strikes me as a little self righteous, I concur with your presenter choices. Fewer adverts on behalf of uninteresting, and uninterested guests would also move the show along.
ReplyDeleteJohn Holyer, I cannot see that Auntie Beeb will countenance any major changes, as they have, at the moment, what they consider to be a winning format. Sandy Smith may not be as convinced as the present producer, [whose name escapes me] that his audience are struggling to achieve an IQ which nudges into double figures, but he has had his moments of superiority!
ReplyDeleteFurher to the presenter thing, I fear that the coming months may see CB become downmarket daily paper fodder. I hope i'm wrong, but she seems to be playing this silly celeb game of pretending to hate the attention outside but all the while trying to garner it. She is losing my sympathies.
ReplyDeleteastroplums, at one period I felt she was trying to bring a little more to the show than she had previously, but I think you are right, and she is adopting the wag mentality. A shame really as I believed her to be better than that.
ReplyDeleteI get the impression that The One Show exists solely for the benefit of the Producers and Presenters. It has a large viewing audience but how many of those actually watch it. The show is mostly just moving wallpaper.
John Holyer, I am in total agreement with you, AC is solely concerned with furthering his career, but as far as I can see has already exhausted all avenues. His forte apparently is the sporting world, perhaps he should have stuck with that. CB doesn't seem to have any pressing wish to better herself in the entertainment world, she has forced her way into presenting, and seems happy to promote herself as a "celebrity" these days! The off screen team are sat in cushy little jobs which require little or no talent. Judging by the fact that Host Ryan with his abysmal people skills is deemed the best person to deal with us, the pesky viewer, I hate to think what the rest of the team, including the now strangely silent Melanie Grant,are bringing to the table.
ReplyDeleteNow a little self indulgence, the weather is changing, it has snowed, enough to actually make a Snow Queen's country! A bright starlit night, an excellent duvet, and electric doors mean I can lie here, door open to the night air, listening to an insanely enthusiastic owl proclaiming his sole right to the surrounding fields. Magical!
ReplyDeleteI am afaid that HKA is just wasting his keyboard on the BBC blog. The beeb will be delighted when only the 'one-timers' respond to the programme.
ReplyDeleteI would love a journalist to take this up in the press and somehow embarrass the BBC into responding to the complaints about the programme and the PC patrolling of its blog.
Astroplums, your1244:
ReplyDeleteI sometimes get the impression that The One Show is a conspiracy.
hello...hokeykokeyalex here.......i am a casualty of the timrawlinson affair but i will use this site instead.
ReplyDeleteit was worth it to get shut of the stupid idiot tim rawlinson
it is funny to go on here and see that tim rawlinson is being removed.
ReplyDeleteHKA, great to see you, what happened, did you get anywhere with the Complaints Dept, for I certainly haven't! I thought it was you blogging under another name on TOS site.
ReplyDeleteNot only that but JH is able to speak to him as he should be spoken to without let or hindrance!
ReplyDeleteWelcome HKA,
ReplyDeleteI had to remove the Rawlinson posts because they took up too much space. They consisted of nothing but the word 'asses' repeated hundreds of times, line after line.
Please give us the info on your battle with BBC complaints.
jadedoldie ...i tried to bolog under my normal name and i can only assume i was being blocked.
ReplyDeletei tried under the name hokeykokey2 and it was blocked after a coup0le of blogs so they have decided to block me.
sad really.
i emailed and complained,,,no replies.
i think we should meet up and protest at the bbc.
see if we can get on the news ???
i am sure i will appear on the official site again.
look for a clue in the blog......
if you pick up my clue.......please do not blog something like "welcome back alex or hka" as they may then block me again.
ReplyDeleteput something like "bernard is good but wears a wig"
ReplyDeleteI think they may well release the block in a couple of days or so.
In the meantime, I will continue to search fro the clue in your blog. I am a bit slow today because the CH boiler has packed in again.
Do you know Alex, I am pretty sure they should not be blocking your posts without any notification, and if so I am surprised they have only blocked you!
ReplyDeleteJH, are you huddled up to your handmaiden for warmth, and will your toddy bath be extra strong tonight? The gasman cometh one hopes!
ReplyDeleteI have just realised that wigglediggle is not blogging recently, do you think he/she is being blocked too?
ReplyDeleteno......wigglediggle said they would be away till the new year
ReplyDeletejh.....the government will give you £400 toward a new boiler.
ReplyDeleteI must have missed that, or possibly the Troubled One erased it before I got to it! I must leave for a while as it's time for meds. God it looks cold out there! You must be suffering in Yorkshire,I don't suppose you can get out and about. Remind me to tell you of my expedition to Bridlington, not something I will ever forget! Poor old JH, no central heating again.
ReplyDeleteHKA great to hear from you on this blog.
ReplyDeleteAs far as not getting a response from your email/s, I don't think they read emails between series. That's what it says anyway and I am assunming that this Christmas break heralds a new series.
yorkshire,,,yes we are cold ......i wish i was in london .
ReplyDeleteastroplums.......hello,,,,nice to be on a "free" site
ReplyDeletejust watching the news show on the bad weather and in truth they have done it well.......they have given all the country a fair coverage.
ReplyDeletethe one show should watch and learn how a half hour show can be interesting and use news teams fromn all around the country(except northern ireland)
HKA, re your idea of meeting up and protesting, do not allow astroplums to organize any such project. Given his aborted purge of the Welsh and the Cornish, we would all find ourselves in the lee of some hedgerow, surrounded by empty cider flagons! I have been chatting to friends about some sort of approach to the media regarding the standard of public relations held by the BBC, and the general consensus of opinion is that we would get absolutely nowhere. The PC brigade have seemingly stamped on any correction of unacceptable behaviour, and there is no form of censure for staff who choose to act in an inappropriate manner. I watched the show you speak of this morning, it was interesting, and as you say an overview of the situation throughout the country.
ReplyDeletei could just do with a nice baileys.....
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ReplyDeletegood evening jadedoldie........i didnt bother with the baileys,,,gonna have an early night.
ReplyDeletesaint tanya is in rude health,,,,i am just rude.
very cold minus 5ish at the moment,,it was minus 4 at 4pm.
i understand the south west is having it bad as well,keep warm and safe.
i hope john's boiler is boiling.
Sorry, my post at 21.27. was in fact so garbled even I couldn't read it. I am still using the dictaphone thingy, and sometimes the computer just loses it!
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with poor old N.Ireland?
There must be some paper - I suggest the Express - which will go agin the establishment.
I really do think the One Show in particular needs a kicking, given that it never corrects it errors. I always thought it big to put your hands up when you knew you were in the wrong. Maybe it should be renamed 'The Small Show'.
astroplums, the only paper it was mooted to approach was the Guardian, and I was advised to leave it in the hands of someone else. Apparently the timing is paramount on these things, as the paper needs to be looking for column inches[?] and at the moment they have a potential leadership fight in the Labour Party, and of course, the SNOW! The arrogance of these small minded and mostly untalented people is unbelievable, but they wear their jobsworth hats with pride. A job with the BBC is truly a job for life.
ReplyDeletehello....what i meant was that they didnt mention northern ireland.
ReplyDeletehave they been exempt from the poor weather?
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Mail today has a piece about complaints re the BBC. One of the complaints relates to the One Show and inaccuracies.
Found that astroplums, interesting to see that the BBC treat all complaints the same way! I always fall about laughing at Ray Snoddy's Newswatch, where trusting viewers take the time and trouble to complain, only to be told by some bumptious Beeb employee that they do things because they choose to, and basically s*d you! Off topic, I have decided to book my badly behaved terrier x poodle into training classes, my mates dogs have seemed to benefit from it, and they are retarded gun dogs! Dog has disgraced me once again by making sexual advances towards a visitors legs!
ReplyDeletei have today's dail mail...cannot find it,,,what page please?
ReplyDeletePage 8 ...BBC bias re science
the NORTHERN edition of the paper must be 8 and 9 are about the weather.
ReplyDeletewill look online,,,thanks.
ReplyDeleteLike the global warming header.
If we have a genuine gripe against the BBC or the One Show over bias or inaccuracies, can we have you post a header on the subject if you agree with the sentiment?
astroplums, Your 1508: thanks, done.
ReplyDeleteJust had a look thro' the BBC blog and am glad to see that your link to this site has not been removed. Suggest Monday, when prog restarts that you put your link up after the show so that the regulars who have been missing over the festive period know whats going on. We need Sky viewer, oneeyed, girlie girlie etal back on track.
astroplums, Your 1908: Thanks I will. In addition I thought it might be productive to post it every Friday for a couple of weeks. I do not see how the moderator can object.
ReplyDeleteThe One Show blog apparently meets with the approval of the web site team now, but then as no one is saying anything that causes them to take their thumbs out of their bums and do some work it would! Perhaps if necessary we can take turns to post the link in case there is any problem.
ReplyDeletejadedoldie, Your 2105: That is a good idea.