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Sunday, 13 June 2010


Renamed 31_5_10-3399

They are off on their holidays. We are left with the double excitement of whether England will win the World cup and whether BBC or ITV will win the favours of WAG CB.  I cheer for England in the former and ITV in the latter.

Is it the case that England’s poor showing is caused by its players being over paid and generally not very bright, even thick. Importantly, could this explain why CB is now a WAG. It cannot be denied that her attachment to FL has enhanced her career. But then everyone has a right to earn a living as best they can. CB has limited choices.


  1. JH

    As far as footballers are concerned, may I suggest the DM archives, for Friday just gone, and read Julie Burchill's take on footballers, TWC and patriotism. It is a wonderful, if biting view and written engagingly.

    CB, in what is clearly a management issued statement, is professing to be enjoying being chased by two companies.

    What she should have said is that her ego is being massaged by the ridiculous attention given her. Most, as you rightly state, the result of her association with an overpaid numpty and not as a result of her amazing and as yet unseen talents.

    Danedweller would be amused to see the pic of her in the Mirror yesterday(taken from Glamour Magazine). If ever a management company (her new one) set out to make her downmarket and looking like a complete halfwit WAG, they certainly succeeded.

    Made in Ireland for downmarket London ITV.

  2. The following is a quote from Julie Burchill about the world cup, "... a patriotism which finds expression in cheering on self-adoring, over-paid sportsmen crying over missed goals, rather than self-sacrificing, under-paid soldiers doing their very best not to cry over murdered comrades, is a patriotism which points at a sick, soft society."

    If I took the World Cup seriously then I would have to agree that she has a point. However, I do not take the World Cup seriously but she still has a point. English players are in the main thick and that is why we lose. If they were in the Army very few of them could rise above the rank of Private. That is if they had brains enough to be accepted in the first place. I realise that I may have just cast a slur on the rank of Private for which I apologise. Perhaps I should have said above the rank of Recruit. I am safe here. For the Recruit is the lowest form of animal life, as our Drill Sergeant frequently reminded us.

    Read more:

  3. Gaze upon the dizzy heights reached by an amoeba with ambition is what I was once told by an officer. This may be aspirational for our footballers, but confusing and bewildering for their wags, lol.

  4. Strange how the DM champions the Bleak one at any given opportunity, yet today their columnist, Janet Street-Porter, gives her a tongue lashing in her piece.

    Mind you I agree with everything JST says. Pity the Bleak one wouldn't sit up and take notice and give us all a break.

  5. The DM may find her good copy and newsworthy now to fill their column inches, but will the worm turn if she is tempted over to ITV for reasons of a greed? Newspapers love to pump up the egos of so called 'celebrities' but we know they are lying in wait to pull the plug when it suits. Maybe JST has started to let the plug out slowly.

  6. Should read JSP in last sentence.

  7. The mindless blowing of those trumpets at the world cup matches irritates me. In particular because their noise drowns out the singing and roar of the crowd which is a sound thatI like to hear.

  8. I want to hear some good African music and South Africa produces the best.

  9. JH

    Quite agree. Wouldn't be so bad if it was tuneful. It's sounds like a swarm of hornets waiting to attack.

    Still, only a month to go.

  10. 'Im in doors was watching Denmark this afternoon in our upstairs stue, I was downstairs and found the noise unbearable.I had to turn the radio on to drown the blasted noise out as I was becoming quite aggitated. Astroplums, your description of a swarm of hornets is spot on.

    I wouldn't mind but 'Im in doors has football on again and I see that he has fallen asleep!!!!! Grrrrrrr.

  11. Just read a piece in DM online about Liz Cundy, WAG & ITV presenterpresently in S.A. for TWC.

    She bragged or let slip that the WAGs have been given £10,000 vouchers to spend as they please.

    Is it me, or is there something going wrong here?
    We are in the worst recession for many decades and most of us looking forward to reduced circumstances.

    Why are a bunch of brain dead, morally bankrupt dodgepots given such privilege when half of that nation is starving.

  12. Last night I was unlucky enough to catch Amanda Holden on the Graham Norton Show. I normally enjoy his guests, as I like the way they are drawn out by his sometimes unkind wit,[nowt so bitchy as a gay guy],but that female was so far up her own backside all I could see was the size stamped on the sole of her shoe!!!!! What exactly is this one famous for?

  13. jadedoldie, She is famous for being famous.

  14. jaded

    I too watched that self obsessed creature on Norton's show.

    Didn't she make a prat of herself over the shoes.The audience weren't greatly impressed with her either. But no matter, there she was today drawing attention to herself at Royal Ascot. Any bets that CB will turn up on Ladies day for yet more publicity.

  15. astroplums, Your 2338: Are you telling me that CB is one of the runners. I will put a couple of bob on her.

  16. JH, betting on a well ridden nag are you, lol.
    astro, AH is such a dimwit I am surprised she was even capable of making a fool of herself!!!!
    I am chuckling to myself at the thought of the Bleak one paired with Clare Balding, the sublime and the ridiculous? I always enjoy Balding's commentary on sports, but as she doesn't suffer fools gladly how is she going to cope with autocutie?

  17. Jaded

    Agreed, AH is a self possessed dimwit. What I can't get my head round is the fact that dummies like her continue to have huge financial success, even though everything they appear in (apart from BGT) is a flop and withdrawn prematurely (Mmmmm!).

    Clare Balding - at least CB has a good set of teeth, so wont get done like the poor Grand National jockey.


    Last year CB was pictured in Simon Cowell's box with the dreaded AH and I would imagine she might be in the runners and riders tomorrow. Good gig for a bit of publicity.

  18. AH at Ascot yesterday,
    Dress by Chavs of Chingford
    Hat courtesy of Deely Boppers at the Pound Shop!
    In contrast,Carol Kirkwood at Ascot this morning, a class act!!!

  19. jadeoldie, Your 1451: I also like Clair Balding. Her and CB would be an uneven partnership. CB lacks the necessary intellect.

  20. CB features in the DM Poll today.

  21. LBC news this morning reported that the England team are asking for the ban on the WAGS to be lifted. Apparently they can't cope between matches without them. Poor souls, I wonder what part of them are they missing, surely the their brains!

    Fortunately, the wives, children and our brave soldiers are able to cope being apart for 6 months at a time whislt they are parted due to military commitments.

  22. danedweller

    Had a look in the Daily Mail but can't find the poll. What was it asking?

  23. Danedweller,
    Professional footballers are mostly wimps.

  24. astroplums 15.46

    If you scroll down a little you will see a pic of CB and the poll is 'should the BBC spend millions on top presenters'

  25. Danedweller, expanding on your point about footballers compared to the military. I truly object to hearing footballers referred to as 'heroes'. So called football stars do not understand the meaning of the word. Many of them could not even spell it.

  26. JH 1654

    I really cannot think why the footballers should be missing the WAGS, other than for one thing and we won't go into that here! For that FL could find them a suitable establishment I'm sure.
    Possibly they are missing them fetching a cold beer from the fridge and looking for the remote control when they have lost it up the crack of their @xxx.

  27. JH Even if the team came back with the World Cup raised high they wouldn't be worthy of the title 'heroes', neanderthal maybe but never heroes.

  28. Just back from Tesco's. Went looking for something to read - couldn't believe the amount of front page headlines the Bleak one now generates in the womens gossip papers!
    "Christine in Turmoil, why won't she move in with Frank?" "Christines secret calls to Adrian".

    For nothing other than reading an autocue and dating a two timing footballer, she is now front page news. Important things no longer matter.

  29. I have been led to believe that Rooney is the best footballer in the world. I watched him last night. All I have to say is, "Now does he feel his title/ Hang loose upon him like a giant's robe/ Upon a dwarfish thief."

    OK so those are not my words but Shakespeare's and entirely appropriate.

  30. Rooney, just another petulant, over-hyped twonk who believes his own publicity, and appears to have forgotten who provides his inflated wages!!!

  31. How long will it be before the media start to ask if their lack lustre performance is because the WAGS aren't with them?

  32. Adrian Chiles fronts ITV's World Cup coverage, CB teams up with one of England's star players, England plays badly. Is this the curse of TOS?

    The bookies have made a fortune on the back of England's couldn't care less performance.

  33. I would fuck Amanda Holden...

  34. timothyrawlinson 2001

    Truly Shakespearean, Tim.

  35. Assumimg that the DM online article is correct, it is good to see the BBC at last having the cojones to withdraw the Bleak ones offer of a new contract. They are clearly fed up with her posturing and delusions that she can name her price.

  36. The BBC have withdrawn their offer to CB. She is out as far as they are concerned. CB tried to be clever and has only succeeded in running rings around herself and then shooting herself in the foot.

    I detect the malign influence of Adrian Chiles here whose motives towards CB are suspect. CB has joined his management company. Please see link below.

  37. Her footballer friend isn't much use either -no goals Lampard. At least CB has managed to score one goal albeit in her own net.

  38. Just had a look at the other rags online - don't think she'll be too chuffed with the Sun and the like. Serves her right for being greedy. Think you're right JH, when you say that others may have had a hand in her decision making, but think her views may have been affected by others such as FL & AH.

  39. CB has just jumped ship now.Now we'll find out weather its the items or the presenters.I think its probably a mistake on her part.

  40. Gaz911

    Whether or nor not she goes to ITV, I'm sure that even they will take the opportunity to lower the offers now that no competition exists.

  41. At least she can be a full blown Wag now, rather than an apprentice.

    She can spend all day spending the numpties cash, what's a weeks wages now and again.

  42. Doesn't pay to play one against the other when you are not on good solid ground. I wonder if ITV now think she is still worth the original offer, still I suppose AC in his eagerness to get into her knickers will threaten to quit if they don't toe the line. Perhaps he has been with them long enough for ITV to realise he wasn't such a bargain as they thought!!!

  43. jaded

    Must say that I find the different papers making differing statements.

    In one, she is on holiday and unavailable for comment, yet in another she has already signed with ITV.

    Only thing that is good is that my licence fee cash is not going to pay the inflated salaries of either CB or AC.

    Do agree with Yentob at the BBC though, she no longer has the girl next door appeal, implying that the public spectacle she has created has made her look very cynical indeed.

  44. jaded,

    Sadly, she has benefitted by publicly auctioning herself. ITV are nuts!

    The pay being bandied around in the press is obscene lunacy.

    Given her cynicism, this is one hard nosed lady, but on the other hand if people are daft enough to pay her cash like this, then grab it and run.

  45. Reading the ITV World Cup forum, Adrian Chiles is coming in for a lot of criticism with regard to his knowledge of football and his lack of presenting skills. It would appear that he still needs to refer to his notes, even to look up the name of the England Captain!. It is quite vitriolic.

  46. I wonder if the Bleak will return to TOS or whether they will try out some replacements immediately the show returns.

    God, let us hope it is someone with some gravitas and track record. Any suggestions?

  47. Danedweller, watching BBC breakfast this morning it occurred to me that Carol Kirkwood is really wasted on the weather programmes. She is always cheerful, and is attractive and intelligent, bringing a lot more to the table than the Bleak one ever did!

  48. danedweller 1946

    I hope that both the BBC & TOS producer do not allow her to return when the programme comes back. Her disloyalty is palpable.CB should be made to see out her contract, given its our cash, working an 8 hour day, scrubbing the front steps.

    This messing about with different presenters is hopeless.They should take the bull by the horns and get a permanent female in with the new fella and have a fresh start when the programme returns. For me, Gabby Logan or Ellie (who now seems to do little on TOS) both bright women with good presenting skills.

    I hear the new guy (Jason Manford) twittered some disparaging remarks about CB's defection - haven't seen them so can't be sure what he said.

  49. Jaded 2007. Good suggestion, but would the viewers ever get beyond her being a weather girl?

    astroplus 2038
    Ocassionaly they have a bunch of people in the studio to create atmosphere (affectionately known as the Tossers in our house) perhaps she should be made to stand with them, then afterwards make tea for everyone until her contract runs out.

    There is talk that Lorraine Kelly is leaving GMTV, I hope they don't make the mistake of trying a tit for tat move, ooops sorry about the pun!

  50. danedweller 2049

    I suppose Lorraine Kelly is ok, but I couldn't put up with that Glaswegian accent for very long.

    "See yoo Jummie" - no thanks!

  51. danedweller, looooove the tit for tat comment,lol.
    astro, as CB has furthered her career by being a scrubber that suggestion is very apt!!!!

  52. According to the Daily Mirror online, the Bleak one will never work for the BBC again, after misleading them in her contract negotiations.

    If this is true and I hope it is, well done BBC!

  53. Astroplums, Your 0813: The BBC has form for having a long memory when a performer spits in its eye.

    The BBC offered CB a chance to become a performer had she had the character and wit to listen and learn form them. She has no discernible talent. All that is left for her is to become a WAG, providing that she is solely motivated by a desire to accumulate money.

  54. JH 0849

    I think that more is to come over these negtiations.

    ITV are not mugs and I find it difficult to believe that they would have offered the suggested sums of money for her, had they known at the time, that the BBC had withdrawn their offer.

    Anyone with two brain cells would have immediately re-negotiated at a lower rate had they known she was no longer wanted by the opposition. Given the quotes in the rags of "frantic negotiations on Sunday", I suspect that ITV never knew that the BBC had dumped her until after signing on the dotted line.

    Maybe I'm just a mistrusting fool, but I think more will come of this and that the truth will unravel to CB's detriment. I also think that the comments attributed to her were composed for her by her new management.

    On a more basic level, how will her new colleagues take to her (AC apart!), knowing that she is earning 20 times what they get for doing virtually the same?

    It may all end in tears!

  55. I refer you to the Daily Mirror on line again - this time the Polly Hudson article. Good work!
    Link is below.

  56. Polly Hudson is quite obviously not a fan, but appears very insightful.

  57. astroplums 0957

    If the Daily mirror article is true, I doubt very much that she will be on the sofa when TOS returns from its summer break.

    I wonder if the BBC will think outside of the box with regard to her replacement. Who would have guessed they would appoint Jason Manford? I hope they don't go down the 'fashionable route' of going for someone with no presenting skills such as an ex soap star!! I put nothing past the BBC management these days.

  58. Looks like Denise Van Outen is putting her name in the frame, or trying to get the Beebs attention for the job. She is desperate.

  59. The Bleak one must be worrying about how she'll be welcomed at GMTV. I read that the existing staff are having a meeting with the bosses over her lack of journalistic experience, particuarly when interviewing people like the PM. I'm sur ethe daggers will be out given her salary and the fact that the rest of them have had to take cuts.


    The Denise Vabn Outen piece is interesting, particularly her comments about Melanie Sykes saying it as it is.

  60. astroplums 1706

    The item reads as though she might be championing Mel Sykes for the job (but I liked the clever dig about there not be a dark side to her). However, I think she is using her friendship with Mel to get herself some publicity. But, if the selection came down to either Denise or Mel, Denise would climb all over Mel to get the job. She was very sour grapes over not getting her job back with Lloyd Webber, blaming her pregnancy, but all the judges were changed on the last show, something she preferred to overlook.

  61. What dumb Bleak has forgotten is the old saying 'be careful who you offend on the way up, you might meet them on the way down'. Nobody in show business can afford to alienate themselves with either ITV or the Beeb. If they do, they end up in a cul de sac with no where to go.

    When her contract is up, in whatever it is, 3 or 4 years, she will have no negotiating power if they decide to half her fee or axe her! She can hardly look to the BBC in the future after what she has done. They have looked after her extremely well considering she is a one trick pony with no track record.

    ITV are ruthless when it comes to terminating contracts. Most of the GMTV team have lost their jobs. Penny Smith was dumped. What will be left for her, some obscure SKY channel or a full time WAG job. Probably the later.

  62. Danedweller 1727

    I would be happy with Mel Sykes - she was good fun when teaming up with Des O'Connor.

    Reading between the lines, I think CB has made and is making many enemies. "Many a slip twixt cup and lip" - I see a lot more happening in this story before she reaches GM.TV

  63. astroplums 1740

    I agree, she was bubbly and fun and would make a good partnership with Jason Mansford.

    Steve Allen on LBC said this morning that in his opinion CB won't survive the early mornings for long whilst whilst she is Frank's WAG. He won't understand that she will be looking to go to bed around 6 p.m. to SLEEP, as she will need to be up around 2 a.m. fresh as a daisy.

    He should know he has been doing his 5 a.m. show for years.

  64. Daily Telegrah link.

  65. CB has clearly upset many people in the business. She will never be a performer and is probably finished. I would not be surprised to discover that ITV is looking for a way to dump her in payment for her duplicity.

  66. a scathing article in the Daily Mirror.

    Does anyone else find it utterly baffling that while millions of public sector workers face job losses, pay cuts and slashed pensions, the BBC spent months begging Christine Bleakley to take £900,000 of taxpayers’ money to play couch candy alongside a mediocre comedian on a mediocre show?

    Maybe the authorities believe we think she’s worth it.

    If so, why doesn’t the government set up a Fake Tan-n-Teeth training school for all female civil servants who are about to be thrown on the dole?

  67. If I thought the above article was daming, then this one takes the biscuit. She will become the most hated woman on TV now the media have turned on her.
    They love to build these nonentities up to knock them down when they can't build them up an higher.

  68. danedweler 2031

    I think she must be avoiding the press now. If she has seen these articles and I am sure she will have seen them, she must be smarting and ruing the day she ever met AH. Her modus operandi over the past few months reeks of influence exerted on her by others.

    She played her long term cards with the BBC very badly. It can't be great to hear Alan Yentob at the BBC saying publicly that you will never work for the organisation again. Not many achieve that status!

  69. astroplums 2044

    She is keeping low profile, maybe she is on her way to SA, I understand some of the WAGS have gone out there.
    She will in the future regret the day she upset the BBC because if it goes pear shaped at ITV where does she go from there. QVC lol

  70. The BBC can train, encourage and develop a performer. They have done this many times over the years. They gave CB this opportunity but she turned them down. She messed the BBC around trying to be clever and came a cropper. The BBC will not forget this.

    She has also played fast and loose with ITV. Neither will they forget.

    She was either arrogant, deluded or misled into believing that she could play with the big boys and girls and pull a fast one on them. She lost.

    I suggest the unless she has some great hidden talent she is finished on TV. She will have none to blame but her own greed and stupidity.

  71. Danedweller, Your 21:42: She does not have the mental ability to present on QVC. She could of course learn. But why bother to train. After all she is already a star albeit just in her own mind.

  72. JH & danedweller

    Is it a coincidence or panic on her behalf, that the gutter press has been CB free for the past few days?

    A modern day tale of someone becomimg addicted to their publicity and believing every word of it. Ah well, she's just a 'wee hometown girl'.

    I feel that much more will come of this sad saga in the coming weeks when ITV realise that they have been conned into signing her in a misguided panic. I think her new management may have many questions to answer. Also interesting to note that the management team that supported her for so long are allegedly about to sue her.

    The debits may well surpass all the credits.

  73. astro 1458

    She has obviously stopped tipping off the press her minute by minute whereabouts.

    DM today has photos of the Chavie WAGS out in SA, If England win against Germany CB will make a dash to SA to bask in the glory with FL, hoping that the team's success will rub off on her and overshadow her recent ineptitude.

  74. JH 1141

    Spot on again JH lol. I underestimated the skill of the QVC presenters.

  75. danedweller 1854

    I am reminded of that article " Six steps..." when Polly Hudson suggested that if FL did score a winning goal he would dedicate it to her and her publicity machine would go into top gear.

    Save me from the sick bucket, please Frank , miss the bloody thing!

  76. astro 1854

    If we are relying on him scoring a penalty he will be sure to miss if his past record is anything to go on.

  77. danedweller 2012

    Yes, you are right.

    Have just spoken with a lady friend who lives in the smoke and is in the media industry. She tells me that CB is a very unpopular lady in some quarters right now and that some will be celebrating her departure with great gusto.

  78. Well the wag that wasn't going to S.Africa is off there with John Terry's wife.

    Obviously she is not coming back to TOS.

    No doubt we will have to suffer the DM providing us with more of the ungrateful grinning out of the rags.

  79. Recap, quote, "I am sooooo not a wag", could you repeat that my dear, I appear to have misread your comment.

  80. astroplums, Your 20:25 - It does not surprise me to hear that CB has upset people in the media industry.

  81. jadedoldie, your 12:08 - CB could be telling the truth here. I do not believe she possesses the talent to be a WAG.

  82. Oh John,your 13.33, you hurt me, I thought I was the resident bitch, lol.

  83. JH 1329

    She clearly doesn't read the response from readers in the DM. If she did she wouldn't be able to keep that smile on her face. Of course maybe the truth has yet to sink in.

    I have have been trying to think of an apt picture for your next header - it needs to depict the female version of the sailors friend - someone who says yes to everything and everyone, then bites off the hand that fed them.

  84. Do I spot a Not the One Show blogger on the DM responses, now with a credible 119 green arrows!! You know who you are!!!

    God preserve us from TV photos with the WAGS at every opportunity over the next couple of weeks.

  85. Jason Manford, who she picked to partner her , is not impressed if the Sun & Mirror are anything to go by.

    Surely she isn't going be on TOS when it returns. Won't that make Yentob look a bit silly?

  86. astroplums 2317

    Just checked in with the NOTW and read the readers comments. I don't think she has many fans left. Going to SA is a big mistake, whilst denying she is a WAG she has gone there hanging on the shirt tales of a fornicating two timing father of two children whose mother he dumped.

  87. Danedweller, I'm making an educated guess that you are not a Lampard fan?

  88. jadedoldie 1553

    Jaded dear, what an earth made you think that! lol

  89. If the England team were told that they would have to fly home economy with their fans, I wonder if the thought of being abused by their fans on the way home would have raised their game?

  90. Oh dear! That'll take the grin off her face.

  91. Will the press be so keen to be at the airport to see her return home? Or more to the point, under the circumstances, would she be so keen to tip them off!

  92. England were thrashed because they cannot play as a team because they are a bunch of over paid, half educated, primadonnas.

    I hope they have the good grace to keep themselves out of the press for the next year or so.

    [I will put a new header up later but at the moment I do not want to interrupt this thread which seems to be flowing smoothly].

  93. I see the DM are intent on finding photos of CB that are NOT flattering, hardly difficult!!!!

  94. FL said that she brought him nothing but luck, bet Room 101 won't be a ball of fun tonight.

    Never mind, the overpaid halfwits will be off on hols somewhere nice so that they can drown our sorrows.

  95. Just watched a bit of Countryfile with Ellie Harrison who did a lot of pieces for TOS.

    Lovely woman with warm personality - why aren't TOS looking at her to front the programme?

  96. astroplums your 18.39, too intelligent and too classy!!!

  97. Here is Lampard's comment on the match, "'Nobody can stand here and tell me Germany were a lot better than us, they were not 4-1 better than us, but things have conspired against us and maybe we've conspired against ourselves at times."

    Presumably in Lampard's deluded world England won, and that CB is a highly talented star quality performer.

    Adrian Chiles becomes the face of ITV's coverage of the World Cup, CB the WAG flies out to give support and England suffer their worst defeat in World Cup history. Is this the conspiracy to which Lampard refers. The curse of TOS: I pity the new presenters whoever they may be.

  98. Will FL and CB return direct to the UK with the squad (they are not a team!) to face the ridicule of the media and fans, or will they fly off on holiday somehwere direct from SA to avoid the flack?

    CB had enough luggage looking at the DM photographs for another month, or is that a WAG thing?

  99. danedweller 1503

    CB does not understand ridicule. Given the criticism she has had in the responses from DM readers, it would seem that she foolishly believes the whole world is in love with her.

    Self-obsession i'm afraid.

  100. Astroplums 1558

    She wouldn't dream of reading the papers online, she couldn't cut the pictures of herself out.

    We mustn't confuse her obsession with the paarazzi extending to reading any articles. We have to bear in mind that she dropped out of her journalist course - all those words were just too much for her.

  101. I have just had a terrible thought. What if it transpires that we all like the new TOS Presenters?

  102. JH 0948

    Having watched Jason Manford on Graeme Norton's show last night, it would appear that no one knows whats going on at TOS. Strange that CB selected Manford, then jumped ship an dhasn't even contacted the guy. He does come accross as a honest bloke so I would take his word against the Bleak one anytime. Bleakley sells to the highest bidder. What was that well known saying - We've estabished th......., but now we are just haggling about the price?

  103. JH, your 09.48, what are the odds of that happening? Unlikely I would think, lol.

  104. A song for England's defeat.

  105. On this mornings radio they talked to some people who were bumped off their flight back to the UK to give seats to the football team. One can only assume that CB had an open ticket and someone was bumped off to accommodate her return with FL. I would have been really ***** off if they tried to bump me from a flight for any of them.

  106. Yet more crap in the DM online - they are clearly obsessed with the woman or else building up for what they see as an obvious coming fall.

    But judging by the latest pics she clearly is intent on playing up to the WAG thing for all its worth. I think 'her' public may run out of patience with her and she may be soon forgotten sooner than she imagines.

  107. Danedweller, Your link: Excellent.

  108. Danedweller, Your 18:22 - I would not let them bump me off. Unless, of the course the price was right. In these circumstances I would give up most anything. OMG I'm thinking like a footballer. Why should they bother to play hard for England when they are not well paid for the honour.

  109. I really am astounded at the pubicity machine going on around the Bleakest one and the Lump.

    Just looked at the news on DM online and they are really racking up the output on these two numpties. It cannot all be unwanted attention as neither is that important in the scheme of just about anything. Just a thought, wouldn't a Dad want to spend some time with his little nippers over the summer? Cold fish methinks - or should that be fishes?

  110. I love the photo of the kiss, she's got more of a moustache than him, lol.

  111. I never noticed that till you mentioned it. She's certainly a hairy one.

  112. For supposed lovers it is an odd type of kiss. It is redolent of a kiss awarded by the girl after a game of 'kiss chase' that was popular when I was a small child.

    For the record I had given up games of 'kiss chase' by the time I was 30. Besides, I was always too fast for the girls and they could never catch me. Lately, I am thinking that maybe I misunderstood the purpose of the game.

  113. Just had a thought - maybe all the publicity is because FL wants to join CB on some TV Sofa somewhere. After all, he is not much cop at football. Here is something to put you off your food; how about a fly on the wall documentary like The Osbournes or Katy Price.

  114. JH, the dark side of your mind is peeking out, lol. Please stop putting nasty piccies into my head!

  115. Read that TOS have been testing the likes of Tess Daly for the female companion to Jason Manford. She is so wooden on SCD, the thought horrifies me. Oh that they can't compromise beauty and brains and get a female with some grit and journalistic background - I really have began to like Mishal Hussein. Classy dame who can do a lot more than just read the news.

  116. Have you seen today's DM?

    CB is now firmly seated on the WAG bandwagon. I wonder which of them is the driver.

    She should hope the wheels don't come off further down the road.

    I do not believe the photographer stumbled upon the couple by accident. I am sure it was by invitation.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. I agree.

    The amount of publicity is so OTT as to be absurd. I think they are setting her up for a very big fall.

  119. astroplums, from your mouth to God's ears, but LET IT BE SOON!!!!!!!

  120. I cannot believe that they are not aware of the photographer. It all looks a bit staged to me.

    For god sake why doesn't she get herself a swim suit with straps. She keeps adjusting herself, are we soon we will get a 'peek a boo' picture.

  121. Just found this piece by chance on

    Christine Bleakley switches sides; now seeing German footballer.
    Following extensive negotiations, TV presenter Christine Bleakley has dumped England striker Frank Lampard to become the girlfriend of Germany’s Thomas Mueller.

    ‘This has been one of the most difficult decisions of my life,’ said Bleakley, ‘I have really been torn between the two sides, but in the end Germany made me the best offer.’

    Inside sources say that in addition to receiving £1 million a year and a guaranteed relationship with Mueller, Bleakley will also get her pick of the German side, as much bratwurst as she can eat and a custom-built sofa designed by Porsche.

    The 34-year-old presenter has been accused of publicly flirting with Germany for some time although only signed the deal in the dying moments of the match on Sunday. ‘I wanted to give Frank every chance to score,’ said Bleakley, ‘but to be honest, even with goal-line technology he often struggles to get it in the box.’

    The switch will raise inevitable questions about the England team’s girlfriend selection procedure. ‘I may have made a mistake with Christine,’ admitted coach Fabio Capello, ‘but it was either her or Adrian Chiles in a dress…In retrospect I probably should have gone with Adrian.’

    While a suitable replacement for Frank Lampard is found, the role of Bleakley will be taken up by caretaker WAG, Katie Price. ‘This is a great opportunity for me,’ said Ms Price, ‘I know absolutely nothing about football so I guess I will fit in just fine.’

  122. You may be aware but there is a Points Of View message board (it is moderated of coure) but subjects can be started and like the old TOS blog anyone can interact.
    This is the link for one discussion on CB's replacement. Not much interest in the discussion but if we started a new subject I think we could have a lot of fun, just like the good old days on TOS blog lol.

  123. astroplums 1841.

    Thanks for the link. Written by someone with a good insight into the workings of CB's calculating mind.

    With the OTT coverage of CB and FL in the DM, I was pondering how long it would be before the Bleak and Lamp get a OK magazine deal netting them a few hundred thousand pounds a piece.

  124. danedweller 1940

    I thought it a very amusing article.

    The DM coverage of these two is verging on insanity. One has to ask why. Something is afoot.

    I just wonder how long it will be before his ex partner has something top say about the father of her two little girls seeing daddy snogging another woman. Perhaps I am a prude, but I find some of it distasteful on part of both CB & FL. Surely he could have spent some of the World Cup time with his progeny. His desire for Red Rum was clearly greater than his desire to be with his kids.

  125. Ah! The DM gives with on ehand and takes with the other.

  126. astroplums 2038

    I wouldn't be surprised if FL wasn't voted Dad of the year next time around! The chavs that vote for these rubbish competitions seem to be
    attracted to the most unsuitable celebrities. John Terry won this year - says it all.

  127. The DEM's position today is odd to say the least.

    One piece is this continuation of these idiotic holiday snaps accompanied by the most inane script.

    However, the second piece is one big put down and is a two page spread in the printed version.

  128. The Daily Mash:
    A NEW 24-hour telephone helpline has been launched to fill the gaps in Britain's rolling Christine Bleakley requirements.

    Today's Bleakley fruit rundown is lime, clementine, orange, grapefruit, satsuma Bleakley24 is designed to help those temporarily
    separated from a computer or newsagent maintain their steady stream of speculation about the slightly less Northern version of Melanie Sykes.

    A spokesman said: "Even in 2010, there are pockets of civilisation that do not have instant access to Christine Bleakley updates.
    This means that isolated people - particularly those in hostage situations - can find their thoughts turning to their own pointless lives."

    He added: "We risk creating a two-tier society, where an elite enjoys up-to-the-minute bulletins on Bleakley's employment prospects
    and love life, while others go slowly insane with worry and jealousy before degenerating to tunnel-dwelling albinos who communicate
    by flatulating at each other."

    The helplines will be manned by fully trained celebrity journalists updating on a range of factors including the exact time she left
    Frank Lampard's flat and any changes to her top five citrus fruits.

    Teacher Roy Hobbs, who recently found himself cut off from Christine Bleakley news after being locked in a stationary cupboard by the
    children of scum, said: "Bleakley24 is like a big, fat teat.

    "Without it I wouldn't know that today she is still torn between the BBC and ITV, and is wearing tight grey denim jeans that
    show a sliver of arse crack when she bends to get in a taxi."

    Experts said that Bleakley24 and Adrian Chiles' 12-figure salary confirms the One Show as the most important television programme
    since Roots, even though no-one has ever met anyone who has actually seen it.

    Nikki Hollis, from Stevenage, added: "There are still far too many unanswered questions about her relationship with Chiles, but
    Bleakley24 explained that he is actually more handsome in the flesh and has an intoxicating natural musk.

    "I'm going back to sleep now."


  130. Love the contributor to the DM blogs who has renamed Frank Lampard and Christine Bleakley as "Frank n stine". Very apt

  131. How Kelly Brook made her money:

    This one way. On the other hand some simply choose to catch a footballer

  132. JH

    The irony is that neither is particularly talented, but both end up quite rich. No wonder so many kids think it's not worth working normally.

  133. I don' know how many of you read the DM on line and have noticed that recently, the plethora of rubbish about CB is now followed by what appears to be a blackout ( which is great if you don't want to read about the woman).

    Is she at last beginning to realise that people are turning against her and are sick of the sight of her.

  134. astroplums 10.33

    Re your last sentence, do you really think she is that astute? She is probably taking advice from AH right now on her next publicity moves.

  135. DM today.

    BBC tell The Bleak not to return to work after her holidays.

    She will have plenty of time on her hands for the next couple of months to appear in endless photo opportunities with mobile phone pressed to ear tipping off the paparazzi where she is.

  136. At last. The BBC finally have the cojones to tell her not to come back and that she will not appear again on TOS. Ungrateful bitch! I don't think I have ever gone off anyone as quickly as I have gone off CB. Shame really, as she did appear intially as a decent down to earth young woman, but since her 'new' friends appeared, particularly AH, she is now so far up herself that she will live forever in perpetual darkness.

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. So it's official CB has gone. TOS restarts on Monday. But the BBC has yet to tell us the name of CB's replacement. Is perchance the BBC in a bidding war with Jadedoldie and Dandweller?

    [Grammatical correction to above deleted]

  139. JH

    I can see Jaded, in her tiger print bikini, giving the Lump the come on in the crystal blue waters of the Med. Danedweller aka Elin, yelling from the shore, you bitch, what about the kids!!

  140. astroplums, I would not be seen dead in a tiger skin bikini, mine is sealskin!!!! By the way, the Lump is WAY too old for me, I like my toyboys fresh, lol.

  141. I see the TOS blog is now without her picture and the link "find out more about C.Bleakley".

    She is gradually being phased out in a most public way.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. astroplums 11.51

    Your immagination has been working overtime this morning. lol.

    Love the thought of Jaded's sealskin bikin.

    Previous post deleted due to getting words in a mucking fuddle.

  144. If ITV's Alison Sharmon reads the DM readers comments about the new 'Daybreak' show with AC and CB, it would not make comfortable reading.

  145. Danedweller

    Yes, they don't appear to be flavour of the month. Wonder if ITV execs are now regretting paying these two numpties telephone number salaries. I don't see ths breakfast gig becoming a great hit.

  146. Actually danedweller I think they should have called the "new show" Heartbreak, which is what I foresee coming on!!!

  147. jaded

    If I was CB's new boss I would be heartbroken having promised her all that cash. I would not be impressed with the write-up or the awful pictures of this Irish version of Jordan currently in the online version of the NOTW.
