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Monday, 11 January 2010

The One Show Returns

The Show is back.
 Will we have a new producer and will this improve the show? Will it be less Londoncentric? Will Christine wear a nice dress? Will Adrian Chiles manage to stay awake?   Will they apologise for previous errors of fact? Will Rawlinson appear in a new guise? Will someone please go and make me a cup of tea...  (that's off topic.  Moderator). All this and more on The One Show tonight.


  1. Ha ha, had a quiet giggle reading that. No I won't be under a new guise, and HKA got banned too hense the 2 after his name. Oh well.... back to the drawing board. Thanks for mentioning me ha ha. Legand.

  2. No,nothing will have changed. Adrian will be where he always was,grumpy. Christines skirt will be round her backside, with her knee prominently set as the main focal point. Mr Angry will still be a little angry man and PC Plod will be more in love with himself than ever. Thank god for Ellie and Miranda and lets hava bit more of Melanie Sykes who was on for a couple of slots last year. Oh and Gabby when CB is off chasing her pension.

  3. I just posted the same as above on the BBC blog to see if it stays up.

  4. Astroplums, Good Morning. I too like Miranda. I think she is talented. Have you seen her in her sitcom?

  5. JH and astroplums, Miranda is one of the few people who make me laugh out loud, an excellent example of facial expressions saying more than a thousand words!

  6. I think we are mixing up our Mirandas, astroplums means the lass with the lengthy name Kresti.........? while JH and I are thinking of Miranda Hart, funny girl.

  7. Not normally in on a Monday afternoon, so switched telly on to watch that's crumpet!! what a pair of pins.

  8. JH

    Have you seen Host Ryans post on the BBC blog.

    Be careful if you post link tonight.

  9. astroplums, Your 1546: The thinking man's crumpet?

  10. Re 15.52 astroplums.How can it be disruptive to actually follow Host Ryans example and post info about other blogs? I haven't posted this on the TOS blog, as he is actually drawing attention to the link himself, so I thought him best ignored, Best wishes indeed, arrogant little twerp!

  11. Jaded

    In his blog I see a little disappointment in his tone. How dare we be so pompous and give ourselves a place to freely express our opinions about the show.


    Rachel is gorgeous and a clever lass to boot. I may have to start recording the bloody show now.

  12. ASTROPLUMS, GET THEE TO A COLD SHOWER, LOL. Host Ryan is suffering AC syndrome, sulky little twerp.

  13. astroplums, Your #1552: Thanks, that was timely for I had not seen Host_Ryan's blog. I have replied to him.

  14. jadedoldie, & astroplums,

    I cannot overlook the possibility that Host-Ryan knew what he was doing in our favour. We should take into account that he my have to tolerate AC as one of his bosses. I have added to my earlier to Ryan.

  15. JH, you are a gentleman, and I am truly jadedoldie, cynical and mistrustful, lol.

  16. Jaded 1645

    A silver dress, blonde with long legs, a conundrum and a cold shower. It's not helping jaded.

  17. I have just posted on tonight's show.

  18. jadedoldie, Your 1611 & my 1827,

    Did you read my post on tonight's TOS blog? If so you will notice that I have been guided by the thrust of your argument. Let Ryan lead them to us.

  19. jadedoldie & astroplums, my 1711.

    I cannot overlook the possibility that Ryan visits this site. He should decide whether my comment was a statement by me of his true intention or a friendly suggestion.

  20. Unable to post on the BBC blogs for some reason

  21. Is that a Chelsea shirt CB? Suggest shirt number 32 from next week.

    Kirsty Young did have some interesting input tonight. Impressed with her.

  22. astroplums re your 1616. Has his blog been removed?

  23. Danedweller 1951

    The mods blog was at the tail end of the previous blog ie The Bernard Cribbins blog.

  24. At least old Adrian is getting a bit of attention tonight re his beard. I think he should come out in a vest ... he would make a good Rab C. Nesbitt. With that fringe CB could do a Nora Batty. They'd look like a happy couple.

  25. Must be the same producer. That start tonight was his/her hallmark. Sometimes works, but not tonight. AC & Cb ok as pesenters, but acting, no!

  26. astroplums, Your 2012,

    The definitive version of that gag was done by Ricky Gervais on Children in need. The One producer showed that in the wrong hands in does not work - pathetic.

  27. Lot of new people on TOS blog tonight and hardly any of the regulars. I wonder what's up?

  28. astroplums 19.56. Thanks will take a look.

    I didn't notice any change in the format or presentation of the show tonight so presumably we have much of the same old same old.

    Mustn't grumble.

  29. JH 2025

    Think most of it is relating to AC's stubble. Women get excited over strange things.

  30. re Astro 2035.
    I don't think CB got excited by the stubble.

    May be he has become too lethargic to shave.

  31. Danedweller

    She did give it a bit of a stroke (his beard that is).

    Yes, the format is the same old tired thing. It does need a facelift and a crop of new, authorative contributing presenters.

  32. They had a 3 week break. Most other BBC progs were back on last week. It would have been a good time to try out other presenters instead of closing the show down. Rotating presenters wouid keep the program fresh, I think AC and CB have no chemistry and that is very important between 2 presenters. Fern Britton and Phillip Schofiled are a prime example of two presenters who work really well together. Since 'airhead' Holly Willerby has taken over from Fern the show has declined in my opinion because she has no gravitas.
    Time to take a fresh approach to the program.

  33. astroplums your 19.59, AC is in fact much more your Rab C Nesbitt, than my poor man's Chris Moyles. That is the strangest TOS blog I have ever read, no regulars, and an obsession with an unsightly growth of indubitably ginger stubble. I have no problems with ginger hair normally, but that was bizarre! The intro, I'm sorry but I didn't realise it was supposed to be funny, I just assumed it was the usual self indulgence with a hint of martyrdom.
    Danedweller, love your "musn't grumble" but can't remember where it came from.

  34. jadedoldie.

    Terry Wogan. 'musn't grumble' one of many of his gems.

    It was a strange blog tonight. Quite a few new bloggers for one night, who seemed to endorse how good the prog was and how AC's beard looked good. Maybe the BBC have recruited some of their production team to blog to dilute our cinicism (spelling?) and contributions.

  35. Danedweller.

    Not sure I agree with you about AC& Cb not having achemistry. I do think they work well together with the one dry and the other happy and effusive. Give old Holly Willoughby a chance, she's not so bad.

    As Jaded will tell you, I didn't work this afternoon and made the mistake of watching countdown. Now I normally make agood fist of the numbers, but that Rachel..would I love a few word games with that one.

  36. Danedweller Good to hear I am not the only one to think Holly Willerby has no bottom to her. What were her qualifying talents to take over such a prominent role? I don't have any knowledge of her previous jobs, so perhaps I judge her too harshly.

  37. astroplums, back to the cold shower, and this time stay there 'til you gain control!!!!

  38. Wigglediggly was blogging a lot on TOS blog tonight but not on here yet?

  39. Jaded 2119

    It is a weird blog, you're right.

    Apart from the response to AC's beard, wigglediggle has just been hammering old Christine. Bit unfair methinks.

  40. Danedweller,re your 21.25 how could you think such a thing, lol. There is a very fine line to be drawn between cynicism and a grasp of reality. Having just read 2 of Terry Wogan's biographies I should have remembered that, thank you for setting a bemused mind at rest.

  41. astroplums and Danedweller, wigglediggle seemed a little strange tonight, or was it my imagination?

  42. Jadedoldie.
    Holly Willerby worked with Phillip Schofield on Dancing on Ice, so I expect somebody in their wisdom thougt they would work together on This Morning. However, I do not think she has the experience or gravitas to tackle some of the sensitive interviews. She is to airy fairy for want of a better description.

    Astroplums may need to roll in some cold snow followed by a cold shower.

  43. jadedoldie

    I love listening to the Janet and John stories on You Tube. Wogan giggling all the way through just made my mornings. Unfortunately, an end of an era. Danish radio and probably the rest of the world had nothing like it. Thank goodness for wifi radios and huge sat dishes. LOL

  44. Danedweller, thanks for the info, I couldn't recall having seen here prior to this job, and ai ry fairy describes her perfectly. astroplums is incorrigible I am afraid, lol.

  45. Do you think wigglediggly knows about this blog?

  46. Wigglediggle has mentioned this site, but why he/she [I am never sure] hasn't joined us I can't make out.

  47. Jaded 2140

    Rachel & Holly...who cares if it's airey fairy. Bliss I tell you! Ah, the wife's just walked by, must grumble.

  48. Sorry that should be 'mustn't grumble' Decree nisi next week!

  49. Danedweller, Rob bought me some of the Janet and John cd's, and they have helped pass many a long night. Amusing, soothing and so cleverly done. I shall miss Terry's show.

  50. astroplums, you are turning into a lecherous old [or young] man!

  51. Must take my leave for an hour or so while I tend to things, take care everyone, night night.

  52. jadejoldie 2132

    Just look back at wigglediggly blogs tonight and yes, a little strange in parts.

  53. Jaded 2148

    I am becoming very lecherous and am starting to worry. Was it wishful thinking or was Rachel's dress really that short. Yes, thank the Lord, it really was that short.Kept hoping she might drop her pen, but no such luck. Ah. deep joy!

  54. danedweller 2151

    Yes, I think he is going over the top vv Christine.

  55. One parting thought that TOS blog tonight has to be populated by a claque, they cannot be for real!!!!

  56. If I remember rightly wigglediggle did the self same thing with Myleene Klasse, and now I really must say GOODNIGHT.

  57. Early airport run in the morning, so have to be up early to dig blasted car out of snow yet again. Him indoors feels a needs to top up his stress levels in on the UK roads. Night night all.

  58. Dandweller, Your #2125,

    My thoughts exactly. You can almost hear the clockwork of the minds of the production team ticking over, "Here, I know what, why don't we all blog on the show to say how good it is". About as subtle as a brick - pathetic. I cannot recall having seen a worse edition of the show. Tonight it reached an all time low.

  59. There are so many names missing from TOS blog, I wonder what has happened to them? I am surprised we have not heard from HKA, Bordeauxmalc, Len West etc. Have they been sickened by the blog administration one wonders? I miss their individuality and their contributions certainly made life more interesting.

  60. jadedoldie, Your #1037,

    I echo your sentiments. I hope you will not mind if I include your words in my next header.
