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Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Watching The One Show makes me smile.

{Any ideas for a caption?}

'Adrian on the pull' :(astroplums)

'Now you can see why I have been reluctant to shave my beard off': (Danedweller)

We are told that tonight Phil Tuffnell will look at the power of an iconic photograph to sadden, surprise and inspire.


  1. May I suggest.

    'Now you can see why I have been reluctant to shave my beard off'

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed the show tonight. Julie Walters never fails to entertain.

  3. Danedweller

    I agree, but am fascinated at the number of posts on TOS blog, suddenly appearing, so full of praise.

  4. Perhaps Julie Walters being a superb guest managed to make AC and CB's usual mediocre performance appear better than usual.

  5. Where have jaded and JH disappeared to the last couple of nights?

  6. Secret assignations astroplums, lol.

  7. Ah, there you are, you naughty girl!

  8. I think the header, should you all be suggesting it resembles AC, is rather flattering!

  9. TOS is watchable when it has guests of the calibre of Helen Mirren & Julie Walters to carry the show.

  10. I have spent the last couple of nights glued to the TV. This because I am taking part in a two week survey. I have to make notes on what I have seen and then report it online the following morning. It keeps me out of trouble.

    [corrected version of deleted post]

  11. I'm on TOSblog having a difference of opinion with sky_viewer. He has dug up the old bone of if you don't like the show then do not watch it.

  12. Tosblog is peopled by the less pleasant folk tonight. I find one of them in particular quite unpleasant, no names, no pack drill. Suffice it to say the majority of the blogs posted by this individual are comments on other bloggers and not the show. One of the others, Sky viewer, appears to be just an awkward person.

  13. I wish you could all see what I am looking at at this very moment, it is a bright moonlit night, and a frost is just settling on the fields. The tracery of moonlight through branches onto silvered lawns, and Long Meadow which is ploughed is unbelievably beautiful!!!!! A small procession of badgers is working its way up Long Meadow, digging for worms as they go, how fortunate am I? Will I still think that in an hour or so when they are fighting, screaming, and howling, of course I will.

  14. jadedoldie: Your 0016,

    A lovely picture.

  15. Ah! the down market red tops tell us that CB is now looking for her own chat show, using her new found wagdom and publicity as a springboard.

    May this just be the thoughts of sad journos, if not God help us! An Irish Davina McCall.

  16. astroplums 1118

    Maybe she is putting herself up for the JR show. How to upset AC in one easy move.

    Running around with Amanda Holden must be giving her big ideas above her capabilities. Let's face it she has climbed to dizzy heights without a media background or expertese.

    With a little luck Simon Cowell will giver CB a job over in the U.S on his new X Factor show. I hear the Tea Lady job hasn't been filled yet.

    Oh, meow.

  17. Have you folks got snow?

    We have had snow here since the 16th December. But we haven't seen one snowman. Are snowmen just an English thing?

  18. Danedweller, we had snow in our part of Cornwall for over a week, the first snow we have had in our particular corner of the county for 27 years. This being Cornwall, the local council took umbrage at this gross insult from Mother Nature, and just pretended the snow didn't exist. The whole area therefore came to a halt for nine days, lol. Sometimes we have to pay for the privilege of living in the most beautiful part of Britain!

  19. By the danedweller, all British men are naturally reserved, and can at times be mistaken for snowmen. However, get them going and they can be little belters! That should earn me a bloody nose from our male bloggers.

  20. astroplums, re your 11.18, you must cheer up and not depress yourself with such black thoughts, the Christine Bleakley Show would surely not be allowed by any of the collective gods we worship!

  21. jadedoldie, Your 15:00,

    I would never become a snowman for fear that my carrot might drop off.

  22. jadedoldie 1500

    Lucky you, just over a week, I could live with that. 6 weeks and it beginning to really get me down. More on the way they say. We do have the snowplough through the woods where we live to keep us moving and the kommune keeps the roads etc., So, I suppose we mustn't grumble.

    Him in doors has gone to the UK, just to meditate on green grass I think. Hopefully, returning with good Lincolnshire sausages and cheddar cheese......salivating thinking about it.

  23. JH, long may your carrot thrive and serve you well, lol.
    Danedweller, do you mean to say you have to live without cheddar cheese and decent sausage, the cheese especially! There is always a decent selection of cheese in the cold larder, I particularly love Cashel Blue and Gorgonzola, but I would probably fade away if deprived of cheddar. We buy an unpasteurised cheddar from the Isle of Mull, and it is glorious!!! I think we are over the worst of the weather, I noticed today that a lot of the smaller birds have donned their courting clothes, so Spring must be on its way. The badgers definitely think so as they are fighting like lunatics over the young ladies!

  24. Jadedoldie 1705

    Badgers fighting over the ladies? Talking of badgers and other wildlife ,I got back in time to watch 4+1 and bless her heart, there was the lust of my life - Rachel and her conundrums. Beautiful conumdrums they are too. Ah! life is so pleasant.

  25. Danedweller, the link I am giving shows you what the weather is like here today. It is a super website run by a chap called Charles Whinpenny, and all the photos are downloadable. There are many lovely sights to be found there, and it is updated 3 or 4 times a week.

  26. How lucky you are to be content with merely a glimpse of the conundrums astroplums, lol, you should apply to get on the show, but ensure first that you have some form of sedation to take with you!

  27. jadedoldie 1714.

    Our supermarkets serve us well with cheeses from all of the world. For some reason the British producers don't seem to export to Denmark. The Danes love our Cheddar cheese.

    You are lucky to have badgers, I don't think we have any in Denmark. We have red squirrels in the garden and deer visit early in the morning. They are coming for water and looking for leaves, we have a lovely pair, a mother the baby she had last year.

    I don't think our wildlife will be turning to thoughts of love yet. We bought a new birdbox and it has a camera and microphone in it so we are looking forward to the mating season this year.

    Thanks for the website, I will take a look.

  28. Danedweller,

    My son in law hails from Denmark. He is on Facebook: 'Flemming Moberg'.

  29. Astroplums,

    Influenced by you I have fond my way to 'Countdown' and Rachel. She is is gorgeous. Now, if she presented TOS ....well...

  30. JH

    Gorgeous and a masters in mathematics - what more could a man want!

  31. jadedoldie: Your 17:14,

    I like the photos.

  32. JH, it's a lovely site, and I often look back over the preceding few weeks photos which are available at the bottom of the page. It reminds me of how quickly the seasons change in Cornwall.
    Now both you AND astroplums need to get a grip of yourselves!
    Danedweller, we, sadly, have no red squirrels, but the deer can be a bit of a pain in the b*m, as can the peacocks who escaped from a house about 10 miles away, and are thriving! They are the noisiest creatures I have ever come across. They co-exist with the pheasants, eating out of their corn troughs, and roost quite happily in the sycamores.

  33. jadejoldie. 1714

    Beautiful photographs. It is many years since I visited Cornwall. A return visit is long overdue.

    Does you son in law and lovely Oliver live in DK?

  34. Dandweller, Your 18:16,

    No They live here in UK in the same town as me. But they vist DK often.

    Actually they are not married so my daughter and Oliver's mother, Amanda, still uses our name.

    Some day I will bore you with the tale of my one and only visit to DK at the age of 20. It was snowing then as I recall.

  35. Oliver is a lovely child. Amanda & Flemming are rightly proud of him.

  36. jadedoldie. 1812.

    Are there any gorgeous intelligent men on daytime TV we can oggle over? Please, don't say Eammon Holmes!

  37. Danedweller, Your 2010,

    I do not know if there are any such men on TV - apart from Adrian. Would a picture of me do? No, I thought not.

  38. JH 1830

    Do you have any without sporting an animal on your head?

  39. Danedweller,

    Your 1836: That was the fashion at the time.

  40. Danedweller I quite like Philip Schofield, and he's a lovely lad into the bargain. Another chap I always enjoy watching is Phil Vickery. I don't have a problem with the budgie, I was just afraid of the output, lol.

  41. Can anyone help me out, I have a slightly insane German friend, who spends a lot of his time in other countries selling some sort of mad scientist machine he has developed. On one of his journeys he bought some chocolate for me which was absolutely beautiful and was flavoured with, of all things, coriander! Sadly he can't remember which country he bought it from so I am now on a search to find it. This is now turning into a bit of an obsession!

  42. jadedoldie, 21.20

    I agree with your suggestion of Philip Scofield. Phil Vickery comes across as a lovely guy, but he enjoys making desserts and I couldn't afford a gastric band. But heck, let's just fantasise!

    I haven't come across corriander chocolate but I will look out for it here. I guess you have tried googling it.
