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Friday, 5 February 2010


Bert Martell  This my Grandfather, Bert Martell. His first TV appearance was in 1937. His fee was 10 Guineas which was good money in 1937. (They spelt his name wrong)




  1. JH

    I wonder what your Grandfather would make of TV today?

  2. Danedweller, not a lot if he came across TOS!!!! Ten guineas was indeed a goodly fee.

  3. E£vening Danedweller. Did you enjoy your night at the Ivy with boys?

  4. astroplums good evening.

    Yes very much thank you, I am trying to get hold of Max Clifford but he is busy, apparently there is a queue in front of me. lol

  5. JH 16.58

    That would have been very good money. I believe they stop transmitting TV during the war, did he appear when they resumed transmitting.

    I am surprised he hasn't got some wildlife on his head!

  6. TOS tonight have a link to a youtube film. It is really worth watching. A really cute and funny cat.

  7. CB's nipples seem to have exercised certain people tonight. I never noticed a thing. Damn it.

  8. astroplums: I didn't notice them either.

  9. Dandweller, Your 1827,

    No after the war he went into Pantomime and the Licensed trade.

    I have a follow up to your question about wildlife on the head. I will post it once I have the photos sorted.

  10. Apart from the odd piece like Kaye Adams last night, TOS is failing to stimulate debate.

    Other than AC's beard or CB's pelmets & other bodily parts, it's all very quiet.

  11. Do you think watchingone and sky-viewer are having cybersex, or are they merely interchangeable.
    JH, was your grandfather's act of the slapstick variety? I seem to have vague memories of Hank the Mule, but I will google it.
    astroplums, I was not exercised by CB's nipples, Ac's beard, ample body acreage or stubbly chin. Does this mean I am sub or ab normal?
    Alexander Meerkat for presenter!!!

  12. Jadedoldie

    You are way beyond normal

  13. astreoplums, thank you dear, you aren't so shabby yourself! I couldn't be bothered to comment on TOSblog tonight, some days you get the feeling you might as well be shouting down the lavvie, lol.

  14. Jaedpldie, Your 2109,

    No, not slapstick, more somg and dance at that time. I have some more photos and papers that I can put up some time.

  15. Sky_viewer & watchingone are a mutual admiration society. I have often thought that they might actually know each, other or even be the same person.

    They put up rather provocative and often nebulous arguments and then scream bully when challenged on them.

  16. JH, your 10.33, sky-viewer does visit this blog, as shown by his/her confusion as to what I said and where. Obviously they do not wish to blog in an atmosphere of freedom where their often strange ideas could be challenged robustly!

  17. sky_viewer & watchingone would never have the guts to reveal themselves here.

  18. I have a sneaking suspicion that watchingone either has the attention span of a goldfish, or doesn't actually read English. From now on I intend to ignore any rebuttal he/she may make on comments re their blog. I am tired of trying to explain the most basic facts to him/her. Please God let it not be a woman or I will be so embarrased for my sex!

  19. jadedoldie, I reckon that both sky_viewer & watchingone are both men, and that they either know each other or are one and the same person.

  20. Ye Gods JH, if they know each other can you imagine what a night out with them would be like?

  21. I see we have the dire pleasure of Peter Andre toight, maybe they could invite Alister Campbell and they could have a 'cry-in'.

  22. Completely change my impression of Peter Andre tonight, he deflected questions that he felt he was not in a position to comment on. I liked the one where he was asked to comment on John Terry, he stated that AC and CB were closer to football to have an opinion. CB looked a little sheepish. I don't think she was comfortable throughout the segment.

  23. You have said the same as I did at No. 8 on TOS site. Needless to say, I was criticised for my comment about Christine, which I actually thought was true.

  24. JH - Just called in to say hello. I see you're not here tonight, neither is jadedoldie. Will call in another time.

  25. Justblogging - nice to see you here.

    Strange show tonight.

    Be back later

  26. A few complaints on TOS that the iplayer version of the show has been edited and reduced by 4 mins to get rid of the John Terry bit.

    Wonder why...are we now at CB's mercy as to what is said on this programme.

    Her choice of male bimbo should not have any bearing on the show.

  27. Hi astroplums, just called in again. I get a bit fed up of the nit-picking on TOS site, aren't we allowed to have opinions if they don't meet up to the requirements of others on there? I made a simple remark about Christine (Item 8) and have received a few comments.

    I think people just go onto these sites purely to antagonise and annoy! Best thing is not to give an answer.

  28. I will see you again! Bye for now.

  29. John Holyer said...
    'jadedoldie, I reckon that both sky_viewer & watchingone are both men, and that they either know each other or are one and the same person'.

    7 February 2010 11:13

    I think you may be right JH!

  30. Morning all,

    It is a ridiculous hour to be up and I'm contemplating going back to bed. I spent most of yesterday in bed. Has a pain. It seems to be gone now.

    Good morning justblogging,

    CB appears to have some kind of control about remarks made about her and football.

  31. Hello JH. I love the picture of your grandfather, he looks a 'dapper chap'. Was he very well known in his day? I wonder if my parents ever saw him, they were great film and theatre lovers. It would be their era as well.

    Nice to be on a 'normal' site where people don't challenge everything you say! ;)

  32. Just had a look on the TOS blog and find the hosts reason for editing the JT piece last night laughable.

    At least a couple of posts have come out fighting, but will be surprised if 'cashleypoledancer' one remains.

  33. Hope you are feeling much better today JH. looking forward to you being back on form later.

  34. JH so sorry to hear you are under par, would it be impolite to ask where your pain was? I wish you a swift recovery dear.
    astroplums, Host Officious is down to his usual standard of mediocrity!
    JustBlogging, isn't it lovely to be able to say what you like without some twit weighing in with mouth open and brain closed!
    Dandweller, nice to see you back with us mere mortals after your evening with the gods at the Ivy, lol.

  35. Hi jaded.......thought I would visit a 'respectable' site where you are not lambasted for everything you say. Weighing in with mouth open and brain closed is a very good description, something I try to avoid. We are all entitled to an opinion aren't we......or are we??

  36. Might call in to go now.

  37. justBlogging, you can have opinions if you MUST, I would just prefer it if you used the one TOS gave you, lol.

  38. HI Jadedolide. Hi all.

    I have been busy with Max Clifford negotiating a 'blackmail' pay off of around 800,000K rather than a poultry 250K from the Screws of the World. The Ivy was OK, wish you were with us dear.

  39. danedweller, you are far and away above Max Clifford's level my dear, resist this paltry offer!!!!!

  40. 17.24. Jadedoldie

    On your advice I will go in for more, let's face it CB would wouldn't she?

  41. Jadedoldie & JH

    Trust you seen Sky Viewers post #87 on last nights blog.

    Talk about grovelling!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. astroplums, this person has as much self respect as my little dog. I would not suggest that he/she finds pleasure in licking his/her private parts, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did that for watchingone!!!! What a sycophantic pair, lol.

  44. 20.26. Jdedoldie.

    Oooooo, unfortunately I have a vivid immagination. To visual!

  45. Sorry Danedweller, I just get soooooo cross about those two! My Nana was very much the lady, but I remember her announcing in her cut glass accent when really riled by such behaviour "Dear child, never tolerate an a**e licker". When I laughed she clipped my ear, lol.

  46. I refer byou tyo article just up on MailOnline re AC & the Show.

    Interesting reading!

  47. Forgive me typos in last post.

  48. jaded 20.49.

    still laughing thinking about it.

  49. JH, I am quite concerned that we haven't heard from you, hope you are O.K.
    astroplums,re the Mail article, who on EARTH does AC think he is? Talk about delusional!
    danedweller, you wouldn't be laughing if you had been the recipient of the clip around the ear, lol.

  50. Extract from today's DM blog. I just had to copy it to here. I would say this person is not a fan of AC. LOL

    The idea that Chiles, a talentless, personality-less, fat, frowning, semi-literate simian is paid 1 miilion of Taxpayers' Money to present this show is an affront. The woman, despite her impenetrable accent, at least is fairly articulate and easy on the eye, unlike the gurning inarticulate she has to share the seat with.

    I'd welcome his immediate removal to ITV Sport: then I'd never have to see his small crumpled hairy face, nor hear his monotonous monosyllabic Midlands drone, nor witness his obscene brown trousers over his splayed legs ever again whilst eating my tea.

    A talentless football fan who accidentally found himself in the right place at the right time, to echo the correspondent above.

    I'm no big fan of Evans, either, but at least he does have a personality & is reasonably witty, thus ideally suited to the format of a brainless dumbed-down show.
    - Tony, Burnley,

  51. Danedweller

    Don't understand why they want to change just one presenter. It would look odd to have CB there for 5 days and AC for 4 days. Unless it has something to do with his new show. Also much was said about CB moving on.

    Maybe the article was a madeup job timed to go out at the same time as that story about BBC 'talents' salaries.

  52. astroplums 19.19

    If they are planning a one hour Friday show to start the weekend with a bang and they feel Chris Evans is better suited possibly AC is not held in such high esteem by the BBC and indispensable as he believes. If what has been published in the DM is true, he has made himself look a bit of a pratt.

    Perhaps the thinking behind keeping CB is she would provide some TOS continutity, whereas having two different presenters on a Friday would detach the Friday program from the rest of the week.

  53. Ross, Evans, AC, desert island, see where I'm going? The extract re AC was if not flattering, reasonably accurate, lol. I begin to wonder if all the speculation is just to keep the two "stars" in the public eye! Still no word from JH!!!!

  54. Danedweller 2051

    Don't agree with your point re continuity. Remember bigger programmes like 'This Morning' run 4 days a week with Schofield & Wallaby, then Fatboy & Wife on Friday.

    I would be very surprised if the Beeb had one on for 4 days and the other for 5 - it would look most odd.

    Anyway, isn't CB supposed to be moving on to bigger things? Now she is friends with the subtle loudmouth that is Amanda Holden and her mate Simon Cowell she may we off to pastures new. Mind you, I would hav ethought that the Beeb would try to keep her.

    If all goes belly up for her, she can always get a cockery, sorry cookery show, on Chelsea TV.

  55. How strange, after comments here about the unhealthy cosiness of sky-viewer and watchingone, there is actually mild dissent between them.
    astroplums re your closing para, you are awful [but I like you].

  56. Jadedoldie 2358

    Got back early this afternoon and made the terrible mistake of eyeballing Rachel again...dear me!!!! Deep joy!

  57. Last nights TOS blog must have the lowest resp[onse of all time.

    Shame that a good forum has been decimated.

  58. astroplums, you must be devastated to hear of Vorderman's possible return to Countdown! What will you do with your afternoons? TOSblog is hardly worth bothering with these days, sometimes I am moved to comment, but not often. I have just received a patronising e-mail from the ONE Show Production Team,[prostrates herself in adoration] giving an explanation as to why they believe Kaye Adams latest piece was not biased towards the Labour Party. It seems to have escaped their notice that what I actually complained about was the fact that in the run up to a general election, so far all of their political pieces have been about the Labour Party. Do you think they are being wilfully obtuse? Also as it was signed The One Show Production Team, does this mean they all sat around the keyboard typing, or does it mean that no individual was prepared to put their name to it?

  59. Dear old Sky Viewer is having a little pop again.

    It must be wonderful when you're always right. Maybe Sky will enlighten us.

  60. astroplums, your penultimate sentence 18.17, yes, it is, sadly sky-viewer will never know!!!
    How weird that the weird are left blogging away happily. There are also those who never have a comment to make about the show, but a lot to say about other people. Now they ARE sad.

  61. jadedoldie 1834


    Problem with them is that they appear to only want us to praise and not to criticise. Thought life went both ways.

  62. Roland Rat was a joy. Wish we could have a few more 'guests' like that.

  63. astroplums 19.35

    I think they started to panick a little, just as they did when Peter Kaye was on. They were unable to control the situation and cut him quickly.

  64. I agree. TOS needs afew more 'mavericks' to liven things up.

  65. Tos blog a lot more active and lively tonight. Seems like some believe Adrian's fly was open has caused a stir. I do object to the camera angle when he sits with his legs wide open, but I didn't notice anything. But I did notice he sat with his legs crossed for a while so maybe he felt the draft.

  66. danedweller, had he felt a draught surely he would have donned earmuffs? Roland Rat for TOS producer!

  67. Maybe CB will oblige with her ears. OHHHH naughty, naughty. But having being moderated tonight I feed decidely naughty. I feel a little bit like how Vernon Kay must have felt texting his bints.

  68. danedweller 2023

    You are being naughty. So naughty that i'm to thick to get the bit about CB's ears!

  69. astroplums. 20.32

    Follow on from jadedoldie 20.10. which is a reference to my comment on TOS blog. We are living dangerously tonight.

  70. Danedweler

    Gotcha! Must pay more attention to detail.

  71. Ear muffs, Muffin the Mule, open flies, pelmets and knickers (before they were removed ).

    Frisky out on the floor tonight!

  72. astroplums.

    We have had 60 days of snow on the ground here and I think I am getting a bit stir crazy! Need to get out more but just hate winter and snow so I think it is having an adverse affect on me.

  73. danedweller, re your TOSblog,I am becoming increasingly worried about JH.

  74. Didn't he say he was off for a while?

  75. No astro, he left a message saying he wasn't well, that he had a pain!

  76. jadedoldie 21.21

    It is concerning, it has been a week. Nothing we can do until we hear from JH?

  77. danedweller, I have e-mailed jh , but I am sure if he could get to his e-mails he would have contacted us here. Still we must try all avenues!

  78. jadedoldie.

    He must be really unwell. Hopefully nothing serious.
    Just been looking at TOS for tonight. AC and CB read your luvvvy duvvvy valentines messages. Adrian will strangulate anything he reads out.

  79. I hope not to be watching tonight, but so much depends on others! I would like to be spared AC's interpretation of pillow talk [massive shudders of horror]!

  80. jadedoldie,

    With regard to AC's pillow talk, hopefully it won't match Vernon Kay's mobile phone pillow talk. lol

    Have a very nice evening, what ever comes your way.

  81. I appreciate your concern. I have just got out of hospital, about three hours hours ago. I had been there since Monday with a kidney stone. It is only a very small stone [5mm] but it had been hurting like hell since Sunday. The Doctor tells me the stone will clear itself within a few days. In the meantime I am drugged up with painkillers and feeling a bit woozy. I did not realise just how woozy until I started typing this reply. It's all over the place. Thank heavens for the spellchecker.

    However, tanked up on painkillers might prove to be an ideal way to watch TOS. I will try it tonight. I will just sit there and grin at the screen.

    I am finding it difficult to type - quite weird.

  82. Hi JH.

    Sorry to hear you have been so very unwell. We have been concerned as we have not heard from you for quite some while. Good to know you are back home, safe and sound. I hope the painkillers give you some relief from your pain and helps get you through TOS!

    Take it easy now.

  83. JH They are damn painful things, but once passed you'll be back to normal.

    What a boring show tonight. Tedious in the extreme.

  84. astroplums. 19.36

    It was a bore tonight they could have made it far more interesting with a Valentines theme I suppose offal sums it up really.

  85. Barry White with a Brummie accent was more than any human being should be exposed to! Loved Nigel's blackmail demand though, it really made me laugh.

  86. jadedoldie. 21.02.

    I missed the blackmail demand? fill me in. Him in doors must have talked for once just at that point.

  87. Danedweller, Nigel took the mike from AC, said he sounded like the godfather [I think], and in the same dreadful accent pronounced "If you want to see your children again" etc. I am still sniggering!

  88. JH, have just read you TOSblog54, it is a classic! So good to have you back.

  89. jaded, thanks for the mention on the TOS site 12th Feb, I got a bit fed up with the show so didn't hang around to make any comments.

    Good to see JH on here again.

    See you anon.

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