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Tuesday, 16 February 2010


art deco_1
These pain killers are making me sleep. Which is fine by me. I frequently drop off while watching TV or listening to the radio and it is here that I have to be careful. I need to choose these programmes carefully. This is because I have discovered myself dreaming that I'm actually taking  part in the programme. Particularly so if it is an argumentative one like ‘Today’ or ‘Newsnight’. I’ve recently had a lively discussion with Vince Cable. I have yet to pluck up the courage to fall asleep to TOS. But I will definitely give ‘Countdown’ a try. If astroplums does not wake me up.


  1. JH, you cannot fall asleep to Rachel and her amazing conumdrums.

    Were you talking to Vince Cable on 5 live?

  2. I have just posted the most sickening blog on last nights TOS. I felt I needed to do a bit of sarcastic a@£$e licking after having so many comments removed last night.

  3. Hi jaded

    If you out there, thinking of you and hoping all is well with you.

  4. astroplums, Your 1746, I intend to fall asleep during 'Countdown' and thereby though my dreams get a closer look at her conundrums.

    With Vince Cable I was listening and dreaming to R4's Today programme.

  5. A short note to thank you all for yourgood wishes, and to mention the fact that Iconsider sky_viewer to be an absolute scumbag. Along with watchingone and juniperjewel he is the lowest form oflife in TOSblog!! Forgive typos to tired to edit.

  6. TOS blog is dead tonight. Which is a shame as the guest was very entertaining. Loved him in Cheers.

  7. 'Cheers' was one of the best programmes ever. When I lived in Canada it was on every evening with endless repeats. Yet I never tired of the show. I could easily watch all the episodes again.

  8. Definitely no dreaming of Rachel today, the real thing is just wonderful. How she gets away with it, I just don't know, but it puts a smile on my face.

  9. astroplums,have just watched Rachel on the hospital tv,piped to each room. That girl will catch her death, no sign of a vest!!!
