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Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Carly Simon & AC’s technique.

AC & CB It appears that once again TOS has stepped into a minefield. The i/v with Carly Simon was truly an embarrassment. It has generated a mass  criticism of Adrian Chiles on TOSblog.

Chiles has neither the technique nor I suspect the will to handle difficult moments during the show.

Chiles is a bit like Basil Fawlty. He is either fawning over the guests or quarrelling with them. Well, to be accurate I should not say quarrelling but instead sneering.

It is interesting to note that juniperjewel has once again ridden to the rescue of TOS. JJ implies that in cases like this it is always the fault of the guest. Presumably that is the TOS party line. Of course when an i/v goes well AC must take the praise. But those moments are rare.


  1. I get the impression that she rehearses and he wings it. Whilst she may not come across as a heavyweight, she rarely stutters and stammers as AC does. When he was on that lunchtime programme he seemed to be much more fluent. Maybe early onset of dementia.

    Anyone heard from Jaded past couple of nights? Hope she's ok.

  2. astroplums, Your 11:22,

    I agree. AC always seems to be unprepared on TOS. I conclude that this is because he is lazy.

    I have not heard from jadedoldie. I hope she is out enjoying herself and not back in hospital.

  3. Juniperjewel is up and about and screaming that he/she is entitled to an opinion.

  4. Did anyone else notice that Juniperjewel, Anthony and witchingone all arrived on blog within a few minutes of each other? Only Sky-viewer missing or maybe he has become Anthony of late.

  5. Danedweller, your 14:11,

    There is a connection there somewhere.

    I also have my suspicions about 'johnfrum'. There is an outside chance that he knows me from years ago bearing in mind that I use my real name.

    They all read this blog.

  6. 'Anthony' is there already trailing tonight's show.

  7. JH 18.07

    His posting is quite toe curling! I wonder if he suffers from (excuse the expression) brown nose.

  8. Is Callyfragillistic the PR for TOS?

    Once again, I do hope that Jaded is OK.

  9. astroplums 11.07

    Yes, I hope Jaded is back here very soon.

  10. TOS was not very sharp tonight and the blog seems to be a very anti CB. Think that is the fault of the producers rather than CB, but if she does read them I am sure she cannot be encouraged by some of the posts.

  11. Did jaded say she'ssoff for a while?

    Trust she is ok. JH, do you know anything?

    Nice to see that HF is still around, at least on the 'wish CB well' blog.

  12. Hello folks, was re-admitted to hospital some days ago, but escaped yesterday!! So lovely to know that someone misses me. Am feeling very sorry for myself, as I have had to have my wrist re-opened and re-washed as the infection can't as yet be eradicated. Poor, poor Val, altogether now, lol. The only good thing about hospitalisation is lack of access to TOS. I am sure that CB is still water skiing, and AC still moaning, will catch up today. I asked someone to leave a message on this site for me, but obviously they haven't!

  13. Great to hear that you are ok. Get well soonest.

  14. jadedoldie,

    Welcome back. I hope the wrist is fixed now.

    While you were away I enjoyed the best ever TOS. The moment AC opened his mouth I fell asleep and did not wake up until way into the following programme - true. Now, if the NHS could only manage to harness this soporific effect then Adrian will at last be doing something useful.

  15. JH, you surely are a lucky old devil, I could do with a dose of AC to see me through the worst of TOS, or the "Ski With Bleakley Show". I am rapidly reaching the stage where I could help her out by holding her underwater for an hour or so to develop her lungs, and I've missed most of it!!! The wrist unfortunately is too degraded to be repairable, but at least the septicaemia is under control.

  16. Where does CB get that absolutely fantastic waterproof eye makeup, and why does she remind me so much of a hauled out seal?

  17. Jaded 2116

    There are times that even her hair isn't wet - and that was after she fell in.

    Surprised that she is managing to do this without 5 inch heels.

  18. Hi astroplums, good to talk to you, are you sure the heels are not cunningly concealed inside the flippers? How have you all swallowed this nonsense for two weeks without throwing up?

  19. jadeoldie 21.49.

    Good to see you back dear.

    I have been throwing up, haven't been out of the loo since watching TOS on Thursday. Fully recovered now and enjoying the weekend. Have made a pact with myself that I will not watch TOS until Sports Relief is well and truly over.

  20. Danedweller 1536

    If you are trying to avoid Sport relief, CB et al, don't read the DM today.

    CB is now in the top 100 most important celebs, is front page of the magazine and apart from promoting herself and her boyfriend, it's Sport Relief again. Sadly, no matter what happens next week we will have to put up with more publicity next week as well.

    Do like (45) cashleypoledancers little piece on the TOS blog.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. astroplums

    Thanks for tip. I didn't get around to reading DM on line yesterday! Lucky escape.

    cpd (45) has summed up the scenario beautifully. Now I am tempted to view to see how it plays out. Now I have a dilema!

  23. Danedweller

    If it happens we'll advise and you can watch in iPlayer.

  24. astroplums

    Unfortunately iPlayer is blocked overseas. Worse comes to worse I could put the TOS on and watch with just one eye from behind the sofa incase it gets grizzley.

  25. danedweller 2008

    Wasn't great tonight. TOS managed to rope in Davis Ginola to meet CB and promote themselves around Calais. The money the Beeb have spent promoting that woman would have done the charity itself proud.

  26. astroplums 2014

    Thanks for update, just scanned through TOS blog to get feel of opinion. Last night watched History of Britain, great and tonight The Solar system on BBC2, so far no TOS withdrawal symptoms. When I get desparate there is always Danish TV, but that is DESPERATE!!!

  27. Would it be inconceivable to think that CB might have a professional skier as a body double?

    We see her take off, distant shots skiing beautifully, shot goes to her landing safely!

    Zoom in - full make up, waterproof of course and not a hair out of place. Kaching £££££

  28. Just popped into the TOS blog, whilst him in doors is gearing up to the Champions League. Yawn!

    sgx123 posted the response from the BBC following the Carly Simon show. It was, of course, in defence of AC but was removed by the moderator within minutes!!

  29. Hi JH and Jaded, hope all is well with you both.
    Nice to see you on TOS blog yesterday Jaded, will pop back into TOS blog later in the hope of having a chuckle at your wit and wisdom.
