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Tuesday, 11 May 2010




Last night both presenters reacted to Giles Brandreth's erudite and accurate summary on our hung parliament with the look of startled rabbits.

Perchance he said something that the editor did not want us to hear? Or maybe she thought he covered the subject in too much depth for a TOS audience to grasp. Such is the patronising approach of this programme.

Next we were regaled with the startling revelation that during the cold war KGB agents in UK were able to make accurate maps of the country. Well, who would have thought it.

Researching a few maps would not have fazed the KGB bearing in mind that they managed to get Gordon Lonsdale in quite easily. He did real damage.

In the 60’s Peter Sellers make a satirical album called ‘Fool Britannia’. In which following the Keeler/Profumo episode he had the then Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan, saying , “I will have you know that we have operating in this country today one of the finest intelligence services in the world. Unfortunately, it belongs to the Russians.”

Our security services were in truth far from impotent against the KGB and have many successes to their credit.

I wonder how many of TOS's 4 million viewers actually voted in the election?


  1. Gyles was superb in his explanation of parliamentary procedures. You're right, they did try to rush him, but fortunately he held to his account.

  2. Dear me, what a boring, pointless guest.

  3. Her beauty regime is botox and collagen. But as she has a range of skin care creams and a book to promote, she is trying to convince us it is all natural.

  4. Never have I been so pleased to have a programme cut short. Lulu was pointless, CB has taken to the very unattractive curling of her mouth, quite why I don't know. Maybe she's imitating Elvis. Perhaps the unrelenting garbage in the press about the megabucks she's going to earn is getting the better of her.

    Hope it's better next time.

  5. Is it just me or is CB almost ignoring Matt Allright.

  6. gaz911, Your 19:21,

    I think she is trying to show him that with AC gone she is now the 'star'.

  7. Used to like CB's accent, but of late I am becoming a bit put off by her voice. Is it just me or is she starting to talk more loudly since AC has gone?

    Tonights show was a bit more interesting than the previous. At least Annie Lennox can sing.

  8. i am amazed at how CB has allowed her head to grow so big.
    She IS the star....that is what she thinks.
    poor old matt.....made to look and sound like a number 2.
    read into looking like a number 2 as you want ,,,but his confidence looks to have dipped and he is sounding like the little voice in the corner that nobody listens to.
    by contrast christine has turned up her volume control and increased in isnt a pretty sight.
    lulu just looks odd.....and i am fed up of people telling old plastic face how well she looks.
    she sits as though her face is about to explode.

  9. Afternoon HKA, It's good to hear from you again. I too am going off CB for the same reasons.

  10. to all the former one show bloggers.
    you were great company.
    why was the blog stopped?
    i think they found that the only people who stuck around were not always nice about the show.
    i also believe the site had a number of insiders who blogged in complimentary terms and they were fed up of doing it.
    i also think the site had its nick nacks cut off and was a shadow of what it used to be.
    you could not say what you really wanted to say.

  11. hello john.
    i still read this blog and have read the one show blog..but not with the same enjoyment i once had.
    i find it hard to promote something that does not want me(and more like me) just because i am not always gushing with praise.
    adrian has left with his ego 10 times bigger than it should be.
    i think christine is going the same way.
    it is a fair show,that had fair presenters and did some some(and still is) poor stories badly presented.
    i think itv will rumble adrian very quickly.
    my email address is should any old or new bloggers wish to email me direct

  12. HKA

    Nice to hear from you again!

    Yes, I too feel that CB's volume has gone up dramatically and will be interested to see how she is with PM tonight. The continual press speculation about her must be enlarging her ego somewhat.

    I think many of the original bloggers are no longer watching regularly due lack of interest, hence them only commenting on this blog on an ad hoc basis.

  13. hello astroplums.
    nice to blog with you again.
    i was both surprised and not surprised to see the demise of the one show blog.
    i think they decided that particular one was more trouble than it was worth.
    many of the "old timers" blogged and complained at the same time via the official complaints system.
    the show had(has) good viewing figures and like adrian and christine the team feel they are fireproof...they are not.
    the show needs a revamp.
    i am finding the guests and the format/topics so similar each day i feel i have seen it all before...groundhog day television.
    i hope some of the old time regulars drop me an email.
    it would be nice to keep in touch with you all.
    the show is very boring know what is coming next.
    watching the rubbish caravan topic where the stunt driver was making the caravan sway.
    the point about caravan snaking is it happens without you steering from side too side-he was doing it all himself.
    utter rubbish.
    carol is coming over in her little spots very badly.

  14. Paul Merton must be very tall. First time I've seen a male tower above Bleakley.

  15. i am sure paul will not be put down by mega mouth tonight.
    he has started very well.

  16. is it me?
    are the guests getting more zzzzzz list?
    dom in LONDON again?
    no he is in sunderland,,,,well done !!!!!!!

  17. I like Paul on the show..he is class.

  18. Mmm, funny in places, but it doesn't work.

  19. Evening all.

    How noticeable the distance between CB and the guest presenters compared with that of CB and AC. Some nights she nearly had him off the end of the sofa.

    I like Paul Merton, he is not up his own and has a tongue in cheek aproach to the show.

  20. I AGREE WITH DANEDWELLER.he is not a pumped up twit,,he is witty and doesnt take himself too seriously.
    but astroplums,,,it didnt work at times-but i think christine was poor tonight.

  21. HKA, great to know you are still on Planet Earth and alive and well, lol. I must admit I am frequently too uninterested in the presenters, the content, or the [yawn] guests to bother blogging, but did CB drop off for much of tonights show, or does she merely find the going too arduous these days? Paul Merton is a funny guy, but wasted on TOS, as I think many of his comments go straight over CB's head!

  22. hello jadedoldie.........
    my very best to you.
    i lost interest when they removed me from the blog.
    but i have missed you lot.

  23. Fascinating watching CB continually leaning away from Matt Allwrong.

  24. astroplums 1906

    CB was always leaning towards AC, or was this a bit of tease! (Look at the amount of space MA has at the end of the sofa, AC was usually clinging on with one cheek!)

  25. Yummy, must bring back some cornedbeef on my next UK trip! Oh, an a jar of mustard pickle to compliment it.

  26. Is Frank going to miss custard more than Christine? lol.

  27. If the wags are banned, I can see some wonderful headlines coming this way. Lampard & Terry will probably have a bit more than custard on their plates.

  28. astroplums 1922

    Playing away from home and scoring will mean more than just football for JT and FL !

    Be afraid Christine, be really afraid, FL could come back from South Africa with more than an expensive present for you!

  29. DM are running a poll today asking who would your prefer to host ITV sports news?
    Steve Rider or Adrian Chiles,
    Steve Rider is ahead 64% to Adrian Chiles 36%

  30. danedweller 1957

    The Brits will always stick up for the underdog.

  31. Don't think there is a lot of warmth between those two on the couch. Interesting to see Matt Allwright having a little chuckle to himself as the camera panned away, when the subject of the World cup and English players grub came up.

  32. Why does CB always refuse to eat anything offered to her? Does she know something about BBC catering that the others don't, or is she afraid of not getting Lampards moneysworth later in the evening?

  33. jaded 2101

    Perhaps she is afraid of getting caught out on screen, with something that has left a bad taste in her mouth.

  34. Kiri Te Kanawa has aged a bit - I used to fancy the pants off her.

    The whole show seems to have lost vigour - very pedestrian. Maybe its been that way for too long and it needs a complete revamp.

  35. Just reading the Sunday press online - goodness me, Bleakley must be losing the plot with her new found fame as a wag. The MoS & The Sun carry stories and pics from the after match celebrations on Saturday. CB, the company you keep look like a bunch of halfwits, your grin is that of a cat that has just got the cream. Oh, and just to add a bit more, the MoS carry yet another story of her as a schoolgirl.

    I am sure she must be getting her agent to pay the DM for the ridiculous amount of publicity she now garners.

    CB, I can no longer take you very seriously and if I am forced by family members to have TOS on, I can assure you that I may, along with many others I suspect, just have a little chortle to myself when you come on screen. Get back to reality woman - you only read a bloody autocue.

  36. Blimey, now CB's on the Chelsea bus for the victory celebrations. A true wag and someone I won't watch anymore. She's become a caricature.

    Adios to you all and happy days.
