CB is in the papers most days lately. This suggests to me that she is tipping off the paparazzi as to her whereabouts. To give her her due she has never complained about ‘press intrusion’. She is also bright enough to realise that some people will throw rocks.
She has chosen a path whereby she will earn her living by her association with others and by being famous for being famous.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong in this. She has a right to earn her living the best way she can. What is that old adage in the business: ‘Art for arts sake and money for crissake’. However, I do object to contributing to her wealth through the licence fee. This because she is almost talentless and turns in a consistently mediocre performance. I wish her well and a good job at ITV, or maybe as a housewife – read wag - to some deserving male.
I know nothing of and am not interested in her private life. I have no reason to suspect she is anything less than a kind person and a good friend. I expect she was a capable Floor Manager; but she is pretty much useless as an entertainer. Except of course for those who are celeb obsessed.
Here is the latest coverage in the DM. The DM seems to be obsessed with CB - perhaps they know something?
ReplyDeleteYou're right about the DM being obsessed with her. It is clear that her management are tipping of the paps as to where she is. The other day she was papped leaving home, getting into car, arriving at door of coffeehouse, followed by FL. If I were a pap I would find impossible to be standing in the street with a camera for first pics, run back to car and get in postion for next shot before she arrives.There has to be prior knowledge. One report said that the Lumpard advises her now, so perhaps he is to blame for all this mindless publicity.
But she is not doing herself any favours. I have just driven the length of the country and in doing so had to fill up the tanks a few times. On the forecourts I was quite shocked to see her on the cover of that excuse for a newspaper "The Daily Sport". There she was with a red sticker over her crotch as she tried to enter a car.Surely, she must know how to exit and enter a car by now. She hates being called a WAG, but if she keeps doing that, it won't be long before she is called a Chav. Not classy CB!
ReplyDeleteHave read some more of Jay Hunts comments and am shocked that she (Jay Hunt) and the mighty BBC, see CB as the saviour of saturday nights ratings. Can it really be true that these idiots, paid with our hard earned cash, really believe that one presenter / autocue reader, can save the BBC. It doesn't matter who that presenter is, it's just the fact that they can be so dumb in their views on what makes a programme popular. I say sack the clueless prat.
astroplums, Your 1839: This beggars belief. I fail to see why the BBC continues to pursue ratings. They are a Public Service broadcaster. Their licence fee is assured. I expect the BBC to provide an alternative to the pulp TV that ITV offers on Saturday nights, irregardless of whether it attracts the masses.
ReplyDeleteI have been watching CB closely of late. It is clear that she is receiving acting lessons on how to use her face. She has become more animated as a result. The BBC are investing in her.
JH 1117
ReplyDeleteJohn, if she is getting acting lessons, she needs to stop. I could only watch the first 3 or 4 minutes last night, as the contortions on her face left me feeling uncomfortable.
I also note that the increase in publicity she generates in the likes of the DM is undoubtedly being engineered by her and her agent/s.She is papped in too many different locations for it to be pure chance. In todays online rags she is now allegedly setting up a showdown with Chumpards ex in a row over his children. She could quite easily stop the intrusion ( if that's what it is) if she wanted to, as many in that business do not attract and can seemingly avoid all this nonsense.
Have lost all respect for her.
Astroplums, Your 1222: I do not believe that she has what it takes to be an entertainer. Which just leaves her with the WAG option. It does work, providing you are solely interested in the money.
ReplyDeleteAstroplums, My above: The path she has chosen will necessitate her wearing outfits that are more revealing. Let's wait and see.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you two are complaining about!!! I spent yesterday evening's show watching the Bleak one's eyebrows. They are lively, entertaining little creatures, hiding in her hair, popping out again, climbing up her forehead and jumping off the bunny lines, absolutely fascinating, lol.
ReplyDeletejaded 1830
ReplyDeleteMaybe the BBC should rename the show "Bleaks House" I missed the eyebrows, with the continual gurning which she now has mastered. I shall try for 5 minutes tonight, but if the facial contortions continue, I will watch channel 4 news instead.
The eyebrows were very restrained tonight, perhaps she watched a re-run of herself last night and realised the gurning is NOT a good look! Love the Bleaks House idea, such a shame you aren't able to use that on the old TOSblog!
ReplyDeleteThe facial expressions were much restrained - a much better look.Maybe she read your criticisms. The fish eye lens in the car doesn't do much for her though. I thought Concorde had come back on stream.
The guest tonight, Richard Hammond, does try too hard to be funny and fails miserably.
I quite like Richard Hammond, but then women of my age group always did love those in need of being liked, lol. The fish eye shot was excellent, and I was sooooooo pleased when she was told she had failed, how much of a bitch am I? Have just laughed myself silly at John Prescott's statement that he is accepting a peerage to help "save the world". Not to get back in Lady Prescott's knickers [yuk] after his affair then. Talk about vermin in ermine!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, Prescott is to save the World and according to some press reports the Bleak one intends to rule it. I can see a a future "Dame" - for essential services to the World (of Chelsea midfield players).
astro, given her facial expressions lately it will be a panto dame!
ReplyDeletePerhaps John Prescott could replace AC on the sofa next to Bleak?!
ReplyDeleteNot until it has been professionally strengthened, but not a bad idea JH, lol. He may be an ill-bred oaf, but he does have the politician's smile, much more cheerful looking than AC. The tendency to brawl would also bring a new aspect of impetuosity to the table!
ReplyDeleteAt least CB is not shouting so much since Matt Allwrong came back and the gurning is somewhat reduced.
ReplyDeleteMust be uncomfortable for her to have to prattle on about the Football now that she is a WAG. Lets hope the wally doesn't bring her a surprise back from S.Africa (It certainly won't be the World Cup)
astro, I really think she must have seen a tape of herself, and as for prattling she will NEVER find that difficult! Prattling,gurning, whittering and a degree in stating the bleeding obvious, not much of a CV is it, lol. By the way, did we find out at any stage who the guest was and what he was selling? I must have slipped into a happier place when that was announced.
ReplyDeletejadedoldie, Your 2023: The guest was Martin Sheen and he was promoting his new film. In which once again he plays Tony Blair.
ReplyDeleteAnd a correction to your 0819: He is now The Lord Ill- Bred Oaf. I heard him interviewed on The Today programme. He is still against honours, and has only agreed to enter the Lords in order to stay in politics because he wants to save the planet. The man is a clown.
ReplyDeletePrescott reminds me of some of the old school Union leaders who expressed hatred of the Lords, but subsequently joined up. It's money for old rope - you just have to turn up. Bit like TV presenting.
Both my Daddy and my husband were naval officers, and I met many ship's stewards, both Royal and Merchant seamen, but never did I meeet someone of Prescott's ilk! I can only assume I had a charmed life. I would rather perform oral sex on a diseased baboon than refer to that person as Lord!!!!
The thought of you giving a diseased baboon a BJ is alarmimg!
Does anyone know where I can hire a baboon costume?
ReplyDeleteYes, call the producer at "The One Show".
As you may have guessed I am not a Prescott fan, on the few occasions I have fallen foul of him he proved to be every bit as offensive as I expected, odious horrid person!
ReplyDeletejadedoldie, John Prescott made a rare appearance on Andrew Neil's This Week programme. Michael Portillo treated Prescott with disdain and resisted debating with him. I felt insulted when this man was made a member of the Government.
ReplyDeleteJH, Prescott, despite his amazing girth, is a very small man, his propulsion by the unions into public office was an absolute disgrace, plumbing depths only recently reached yet again by Mandy! Prescott is better suited to the back room meetings held in back street pubs by the more militant unions. That is his milieu.
ReplyDeleteI must have a sad sense of humour, watching the news report of the England team at the airport immediately made me think of any morning outside a courthouse, where all the defendants are waiting in their "bought for the court appearance" suits. Strangely familiar, lol.
ReplyDeleteCredit where it is due, Matt Baker is good at impersonating voices. Gave up watching after CB went on about the Baftas, given that it took place 10 days a go and she was involved in the programme. You already know if TOS won or lost CB.
ReplyDeleteThe psychologist in me wonders if she now has a controlling, possessive and seriously insecure boyfriend in Lumpard. Never have I seen a woman go from skirts, dresses and occasional trousers to virtually nothing but trousers. Chatel comes to mind.
astro, is the next step to don a burkha? Prescott on Have I got news for you, and the Bleak one on Would I lie to you? Goodnight BBC!!!
ReplyDeleteGood old Hislop, gave the fat scum bag a good going over.
ReplyDeleteI am a great fan of Ian Hislop. I may watch this later astro.
ReplyDeleteI also watched 'Have I Got News For You' hosted by Lord Prezza of Pauline Will Kill Me If I Say no. The man is an incompetent oaf. He read the autocue in a dull monotone that ruined the gags. Which I suspect he did not understand anyway.
ReplyDeleteJh & jaded
ReplyDeleteMakes you wonder how anyone could be daft enough to vote for the prat and a prat he most definitely is.
Back to TOS. The online rags are obsessed with CB and I think she is becoming obsessed with herself. Apparently she has fired her agent. Perhaps she believes that the fortunes she expects are not now materialising quickly enough.
I suspect she is getting duff advice from the two men in her life.
I also think that TOS will fall to bits before the year is out.
The wheels will come off when CB starts to believe her own publicity. She is devoid of any serious talent.
ReplyDeleteIf this 'new' Friday night show with the ginger one is going to be successful, they are will have to inject some more fizz than is currently on offer.
ReplyDeleteI understand JH's complaints about AC, but at least there was some 'bite' about the programme. It has now become sleep inducing. I also think that with CB being headgirl, it shows her in a different light. Maybe not the hot property that everyone imagined. Best with a steady co-presenter that she feels secure with.
It's 4 in the morning and I am working on the computer. I take a break to look at the Sunday rags on line and they tell me that CB has now signed a 6 million deal with ITV and will join Chiles. Granted it may not be true but given the coverage and content it appears to be so.
ReplyDeleteBlimey, has her association with FL and Amanda Holden changed her or what?
If this is true, she is as mercenary as they come - deserves an Oscar for the 'butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' routine.
What a horribly disloyal creature!
Astroplums, The DM tells us that CB has signed a secret deal with GMTV. Presumably it is no longer secret now that the DM knows about.
ReplyDeleteCB would be more secure sticking with the BBC rather than chancing her luck with the smaller GMTV. The BBC can offer her variety and the opportunity to develop what little talent she has.
However, she wants quick and easy money. Alright, but she should remember to be nice to people on the way up because she may meet them again on the way down. It is inevitable that she will come down as her looks begin to fade. She has next to no talent to support her. At present she is simply feeding off her own self generated publicity.
I will not care about any of this once she moves to commercial TV. It is simply the case that I object to my licence fee being used enrich mediocre performers. The BBC can do so much better.
I think that Chris Evans will kick some life into the show.
astroplums 04.05
ReplyDeleteIf its true I'm a bit shocked myself.I would have thought she'd try and prove herself without AC on the BBC first.Maybe the thought of working with Chris Evans was too much.I think the BBC management have a lot to answer for here by trying to fix a program that wasn't broken.
It's hardly surprising that wannabees flood reality programmes in the belief that one can have it all without actually having to do anything for it.
ReplyDeleteAgain, assuming these reports to be true, I would find it particularly weak of her current BBC boosses, if they were to keep her on screen until her departure. To do so would just be a kick in the teeth for loyalty.
Really thought she was a better person than this and will always look at her as the ultimate gold-digger. Mind you, her teaming up with FL and her previous consorts would have told me that.
It would appear that CB now believes her own publicity and that she is under the impression she has talent. Hopefully someone out there will soon tell her she is just another autocutie.
ReplyDeleteDidn't realise the Baftas were live. CB was pictured leaving them about 10 days ago and was said to be presenting. Very confusing.
ReplyDeleteFascinated to see what TOS and the BBC are going to do with her now that she has deserted the sinking ship. Jason Manford & Chris Evans must be a bit miffed.
What an eyesore - two lumps of lard at teatime.
ReplyDeletePeter Kay was wrong, TOS is not Pebble Mill on crack, it's Songs of Praise on valium.
ReplyDeleteDo you still have Jay Hunt's email address or the complaints department that you have you used in the past?