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Tuesday, 26 October 2010

A Guilty Secret

I have a guilty secret. Here seems a good place to confess. I watch  Jeremy Kyle. It gets worse, I watch the daily double edition on ITV2. Worse still, I enjoy it.

We have our own Jeremy Kyle style stars in my area. They can be seen walking in to town to shoplift at Poundland. But they lack the elan of a Vicky Pollard.


  1. It must be good to get that off your chest John, lol. We all have little secrets we would rather not share, and I admire your courage in admitting to this peccadillo. Never watched the programme, so can't judge one way or another, but I confess I do sometimes watch Coronation Street, not on a regular basis, that isn't neccessary as the plot [?] doesn't call for dedicated viewing.
    I've never seen a Poundland as we don't have them in our area, but during the season we do have our fair share of short-wearing chavs. I fondly imagined that they only dressed in this manner because they were on holiday, but outside broadcasts have shewn me this is not the case. Do none of them possess a full length mirror?

  2. jadedoldie,

    Give Jeremy Kyle a whirl. I'll wager you'll be yelling at the screen with the best of us. Be sure to watch those editions that feature lie detector results.

    There are also genuine heart touching moments albeit rarely.

  3. jadedoldie,

    I do not believe you are a snob. You just have standards and there cannot be anything wrong in that.

  4. I am a devoted watcher and fan of Coronation Street beyond all reason. I could give you an appreciation of the programme - manner, matter, mood and all that - but I left the Sixth Form long ago, and have grown lazy since.

    But I agree that one can dip in an out of it. Thanks to the clever plotting and writing.

  5. Oh dear! If this report in the Belfast Telegraph has truth in it, I think Renee & Renata will have some mud on their faces.

    Seems that the other Irish presenter is giving a few clues as to Daybreak's demise.

  6. astro, just read the report and the comments. What it is to be popular, and to be dragged into this position by your own publicity! I wonder what the whizz kid whose brain child the Renee/Renata combo was is doing today. Brushing up his CV I should imagine.

  7. Jaded.

    As Graham Norton said, she was bonkers listening to the detractors and leaving the BBC.

  8. QVC - here they come. And they would even make a mess of that.

    I would not be surprised if CB & Fl split up.

  9. JH, she can't afford to with her career in jeopardy, she needs his fame and his wallet, a girl gets used to the good life you know!!! Graham Norton was a joy, as usual, last night.

  10. DM today - Daybreak now down to 500,000.

    The good thing here is that the drop is consistent and shows no sign of stopping.

    Maybe she is pregnant...what better way to leave a sinking ship!

  11. jadedoldie,
    Graham Norton is consistently one of the best performers on TV. He takes control of a show, hands great chunks of it to his guests and brings out the best in them. He gets everything just right.

    He was particularly good on the recent search for a 'Dorothy' with Andrew Loyd Webber. Graham Norton is perfect in this genre demonstrating how it should be done.

  12. JH

    Agree with you re Graham Norton - not sure about Dorothy, but his own show is entertaining.

  13. Astroplums,

    I confess to being a fan of Musicals and have been so all my life. This can be explained in part by envy, for I can neither sing nor dance. Consequently, I have to get someone to do it for me.

    What I liked about 'Dorothy' and its predecessors is that all the contestants have fine voices. Add to this the excellent choreography and you have a dynamic musical show. As far as I am concerned they can dispense with the competition bit, I never vote, and leave Graham Norton as the compere and comic.

  14. Have you seen today's DM? Most of the comments blame Rennee & Renata for the show's demise. Many are sick of the incessant commercials.

  15. I have not bothered with morning TV for years. I prefer the 'Today' programme on R4. If nothing else it gets me involved, and occasionally shouting at the radio.

  16. JH


    Have you abandoned Jeremy Kyle then? You lounge potato,you!

    On the Renee & Renata thing - I must admit that the stick she has taken in the DM is astounding and I confess I could not take all that and carry on smiling to a camera. Her WAGdom has done her little good in the publics mindset, nor those around her who have been giving her advice.

    Maybe you have an opinion on it, but if someone is perceived to have failed badly on a programme like 'Daybreak', how does shifting them help anything? Surely if they are deemed to be no good, then the risk of failure on another programme must be very high - that is, in the public's perception.

  17. Astroplums,

    I watched Jeremy Kyle on ITV2+1 were the programme does not start until 1435.

  18. The audience opinion of Daybreak, apart from AC & CB, appears to be that there are too many commercial breaks.

    I suspect that the dislike for Renee & Renata in the press stems from the paper knowing something detrimental about the pair that cannot be printed.

    I have been suspicious of AC from the outset. He is either naive or a malevolent manipulator.

    In this I am referring to AC's character as displayed as a performer. I know nothing of his private life which I am sure would transpire to be an example to us all in its probity. Though he did dump his wife, or did she dump him.

    I has always had the impression that the wag is an artistic simpleton albeit a greedy one.
    On the other hand to inject a note of kindness, maybe she loves FL and, consequently, nurses a consuming need to earn her own fortune so as not appear a gold digger.

  19. Astroplums, [corrected version]

    I watch Jeremy Kyle on ITV2+1 where the programme does not start until 1435.

  20. JH 1827

    Don't know so much about AC, other than his laconic presenting style, but Renata did herself little favour in the public eye, when her last show on TOS had her standing with the new boy/s stating clearly that she would be back after the holidays. She new then that she was undecided and many felt that her behaviour was an act of betrayal to the staff at TOS & the BBC. Her current lack of popularity was brought on by her own actions.

    As far as being a gold digger, well I don't know, but if the fact that all her past consorts are said to have been millionaires, then I would lean towards that description.

    She may have gained some dosh in the short term, but has lost much more in public support. She may well become the Irish version of Anthea Turner - another who couldn't resist the £ note sign.

  21. 1945

    In previous should read...'She knew then... not 'new'. Sorry!

  22. astroplums,

    Your 19:45: I think you are right.

  23. Graham Norton works a show so well.
    I really enjoyed him tonight.

  24. JH 2329

    Just watched Norton on iPlayer - it was good and poor old Renee & Renata got a hammering on that as well in the 'you're fired' routine with Alan Sugar.
