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Sunday, 10 October 2010

I Like TOS, but as for Daybreak…….

These days I enjoy TOS. It has become the show it ought to be. The Presenters have got it right and they have the skill to manage the dynamics of a live programme. The editors and producer work hard to find interesting items. It is no longer a vehicle to support the inflated egos of bland Presenters. Coming to which:

AC - Sartorial elegance

The dead hand of Adrian Chiles now flops over ‘Daybreak’. Where, assisted by Christine Bleakley and his mates on the production team, he  presides over a  haemorrhaging of viewers and cash. When will TV executives realise that Adrian Chiles has no discernible talent. He has no respect for or interest in producing TV of a high standard. Third rate will always do for Adrian. Providing there is someone foolish enough to pay him.  Adrian has been handsomely rewarded in cash for  his machinations – so far.

Christine Bleakley is an artistic simpleton.

Having read the following article in the DM, it appears to me that ‘Daybreak’ has the makings of a comic soap opera.


  1. JH; have just read your link in the DM.

    When will TV execs ever learn? What a waste of money. Don't think Adam Crozier will take prisoners for much longer.

    Do you think a punt with the bookies at 6/1 for their removal by Christmas is a good bet? Think I'll put a tenner on it.

  2. Astroplums, It could be worth a punt. But where will they go, what Chanel will have them? CB could always fly to the arms of her lover. Maybe the BBC will forgive her if she is contrite and drastically lowers her fee. However,I suspect that CB will remain an artistic simpleton.

  3. JH 1149

    John, I think you may be working on the basis that she sees herself as indispensable eye candy, but judging from the comments on the facebook page, she may now have reached such a delusional state, with humility but a fading memory.

    I have a feeling that I can finance a few Christmas pressies with her/their demise re that particular programme. Ladbrokes, here I come!

    Jaded, Danedweller where are you? Come back all is forgiven!

  4. Strange how the story in the DM says very little good about the artistic simpleton (most of it true, even if subjective) but I see the Sunday Mirror on line is saying that she is going to take over the X-Factor if O'Leary leaves.

    Judging by her performance on Simply Red, it will be extremely dull.
