Cretinous Fuckwittery!
When you allow mentally ill people to set the rules for everyone else, you
end up living in an insane asylum! is brought to y...
3 weeks ago
Welcome. This place is for refugees from The erstwhile TOSblog. Talk freely - for nothing is 'off topic' nor moderated here. AKA "JADED'S CELEBRITY NOOSE"", where we can have fun disecting overpaid, overated, ungrateful halfwits and generally put the world to right.
And FINALLY the penny drops!!!!!!! As for the excuse that getting up early makes him grumpy, he was a scruffy, grumpy old sod when he was on TOS, so that boat won't float.
ReplyDeleteThe usual suspects are responding to the DM article.
ReplyDeleteAt least he's being honest in saying it's a dog, but as far as being grumpy in the morning...he must be daft if he didn't know that before taking the gig. Of course it was all about money, but I do think that Renata must be wishing she had played the long game and stuck with the Beeb at TOS.
I suspect that ITV will already have in mind a new show for him to present. Probably one with lots of celebrity guests. Where he will demonstrate his Basil Fawlty interviewing style. He will wreck this show too. AC's real handicap is that he is not very bright.
ReplyDeleteRenata was foolish to allow avarice to get the better of her.
ReplyDeleteI think the misguided views and perhaps the persuasive powers of Renee,FL, Amanda Holden and the like, may have clouded her judgement. Going to work at 1500 and leaving at 2000 must be infinitely preferably to the routine she now has.
Apart from her role as a WAG, I think she will disappear from the TV radar quite quickly, more so if 'Daybreak' goes tits up.
So far today we have had sleet, snow, hail, sunshine and a spectacular thunderstorm! I await, with interest, the arrival of a plague of locusts, the slaying of the first born and the sound of hooves which advertises the visit from the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
ReplyDeleteWe just had snow.
ReplyDeleteHave you had much astro?
ReplyDeleteI meant SNOW!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMuch snow but little of the other!
ReplyDeleteAfter all moans about Renee & Renata on Daybreak, I decided (due to being hampered by deep snow) to watch the programme in its entirety. This turned out to be a grave misjudgment on my part. The producers of this show must suffer from Malaria. The content is dire. The presenters have been found out and are not best suited to thinking on their feet when ad-libbing is required.
ReplyDeleteIf we had a 'Not Daybreak' blog and people new of it, I think the subscription rate would be very high.
In the words of the song "It won't be long now".
Long live TOS.
Should read " and people knew of it"...not "new".
ReplyDeleteDreadful, must do better!
Morning all,
ReplyDeleteJadedoldie, I heard about the harsh weather in your area. It's not how we generally imagine the climate in Cornwall to be. They're definitely out to get you. Peer out of your window for the site of Renee and Renata bearing down upon you astride a pair of fiery stallions, armed as they will be, with the dull barbs of banalities. Adrian will probably squabble with his steed, while CB will abandon her stallion for another with a more comfortable stable.. [ok that metaphor has gone far enough. mod]
It's snowing a bit here as well [Thanet]. I drove to LHR and back yesterday with no trouble from the weather. So I am not getting much of either of the others.
I lived in Canada for three years and after that I will never feel cold again. In Ottawa we were occasionally treated to daytime HIGHS of -30C, with the snow measured in feet.
Astroplums, As from today we have a 'not daybreak blog' it's at
[you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser.
Sorry, I mistyped that link it should be: