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Saturday, 30 January 2010

I like this photo. It was taken in Australia by my daughter. [Click on photo to enlarge]

I fell into a dispute with Flunklumpard and Len West on TOSblog. They were defending a TOS error of fact by saying that the error did not matter. I was disappointed because I normally respect what this pair have to say. Jadedoldie also got stuck in.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

juniperjewel & sky_viewer

When on TOSblog 'juniperjewel' & 'sky_viewer' consistently play the man rather than the ball. I wish they would find their way here where I can discuss this matter with them in depth. 

 I won't hold my breath.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Watching The One Show makes me smile.

{Any ideas for a caption?}

'Adrian on the pull' :(astroplums)

'Now you can see why I have been reluctant to shave my beard off': (Danedweller)

We are told that tonight Phil Tuffnell will look at the power of an iconic photograph to sadden, surprise and inspire.

Monday, 25 January 2010


I have read the that BBC is split into four divisions: Knowledge, Fiction, Entertainment and Children's Fiction. Does TOS fit any of these, or does it require its own unique division?

From reading the Red tops it would appear that CB is becoming a so called celebrity. Which is a pity. I thought she had the makings of a good Presenter provided she had the will to work at it. But I suppose being a WAG is an easier option. If all else fails a WAG can always just take the money and run.

Friday, 22 January 2010


From reading last night's TOSblog it appears that viewers are at last tiring of the show. I suspect that AC & CB will jump ship when the new producer takes over.

Thursday, 21 January 2010


I see Dom is going to do a piece on Cold calling. I went cold calling for a while in another life around shops and offices. I think everyone should try it just once. It's good for the soul.

The TOSblog mods are still removing my comments from The Bernard Cribbins edition. I received their e- mail this morning. It's nice to know I'm still keeping them busy.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010


March of the Wardens of the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme or, as they call them in modern Germany, Blockwarts. They are civilians and do not carry the Queen's Warrant. The number of these town hall snoopers and private security guards armed with sweeping police powers is growing fast. They are park wardens, dog wardens, car park attendants and shopping centre guards and they are permitted to hand out fines for 'crimes' such as littering, dog fouling and criminal damage.

They may take photos of people they have fined and demand names and addresses. Some of these civilians have also been given the power to stop vehicles and check for out-date-tax discs.

Some might say that this is state sanctioned vigilantism. What control do we have over them.
It is policing without the checks and balances that we get with the actual police force.

[Click picture to enlarge]

We are sleepwalking into a police state.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


I thought that 'thewonshow' was going to visit us. I think we have  guessed who he is.

I do hope that TOS is a good show tonight. At the moment watching it depresses me a little. I see from the pre-show blurb that Adrian and Christine are going to dress each other. This has the potential to be funny and interesting [this before the watershed? Mod].  Was this idea dreamt up by a psychologist lurking among the production crew.

Monday, 18 January 2010


Picture courtesy of astroplums
As astroplums suggests, it appears likely that AC and CB are leaving TOS.

I for one would  miss Christine. She works hard, she tries hard and is beginning to make the show her own. I believe she can handle the dynamics of a live show.  She frequently gets AC out of trouble

I will not miss AC. Unless he manages to find the strength or will or inclination to put some life into his performance. At present he flops across the show like a dead hand.

I suggest  a duo of male female would work best. With perhaps the male being the elder. They should be a close couple with a chemistry between them - or at least be able to fake it.

I cannot think of any names at the moment - except maybe Mathew Wright.

[Please do not leave me to be the only one suggesting changes it causes me to come across as pompous  - oops I'm getting sensitive in my old age].

Friday, 15 January 2010

Any ideas for captions?

I will not be watching TOS tonight 'cos my aerial is still broke.  [No, that's not a caption. It's true. The aerial fitter comes tomorrow].

Thursday, 14 January 2010


We need the old faces here.  We know some of you are Tossblogging away in your new names. The hunt for hokeykokeyalex is driving me insane. OK  then, I will retract my earlier remarks: Manchester is not the capital of Yorkshire. There, is that better, HKA? 

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as 'off-topic' here. Please feel free to discuss anything and everything that takes your fancy. 

My aerial has packed up again and I will not be able to TOSwatch tonight.  

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

We are presented with the hapless figure of Adrian Chiles.

We are presented with the hapless Adrian Chiles sporting a beard he clearly does not want.
Christine has her dress and now Adrian has his beard. Both the dress and the beard are there to serve the same purpose. Which is to distract the viewer from just how vapid is TOS. The Producer is making AC look ridiculous. Though to be fair, for 2 million a year I would certainly sport a beard. For that kind of money I would also give serious consideration to wearing one of Christine's dresses.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Jadedoldie put it well when she said about the show last night,

"There are so many names missing from TOS blog, I wonder what has happened to them? I am surprised we have not heard from HKA, Bordeauxmalc, Len West etc. Have they been sickened by the blog administration one wonders? I miss their individuality and their contributions certainly made life more interesting."

These new names seemed fascinated by AC's beard, but little else. I suspect they were mostly conjured up by the producer in an attempt to sanitize the TOS blog. ['TOSSBLOG' a new descriptive word.. ? sorry, I digress].

TOS has the makings of a good show. All it needs is some TLC and respect from its producer. No doubt the present producer comforts herself with the knowledge that TOS attracts an audience of 4.5 million. But how many of them actually watch the show. By contrast BBC Radio 4's 'Today' programme draws 6.6million and rising. Which should demonstrate to TOS producer that she does not have to dumb down the show in order to get an audience. The producer is patronising her viewers. It surprises me that so few recognise this.

Having said all that, for balance we desperately need some other voices on here to defend TOS and point out where I have got it all wrong.

Let's see what the show  has to offer tonight.

You may be interested  in following contact details. I wonder how much their salaries cost the licence payer?

Owen Gay
Commissioning Editor, The ONE Show
Responsible for: The ONE Show
Room 0.12 27/29 WLR
BBC Bristol
Whiteladies Road
tel: (0117) 974 7625
Seb Illis
Series Commissioning Producer, The ONE Show
Responsible for: The ONE Show
Room 0.12 27/29 WLR
BBC Bristol
Whiteladies Road
tel: (0117) 974 7625

Monday, 11 January 2010

The One Show Returns

The Show is back.
 Will we have a new producer and will this improve the show? Will it be less Londoncentric? Will Christine wear a nice dress? Will Adrian Chiles manage to stay awake?   Will they apologise for previous errors of fact? Will Rawlinson appear in a new guise? Will someone please go and make me a cup of tea...  (that's off topic.  Moderator). All this and more on The One Show tonight.

Friday, 8 January 2010


Whatever they agreed at Copenhagen to tackle 'global warming' has obviously worked. It hasn't stopped snowing since. Even the BBC is waking up to the idea that there are two sides to every story and has belatedly ordered an inquiry into whether or not the Corporation's 'global warming' coverage is biased. Let me save them time, trouble and expense: Yes, it is. [from RL in today's DM]

Not much wrong with 4 x 4s now, I suggest.

I regret to say that I believe the BBC is biased in several areas. To the extent that the Corporation has become a campaigner. 

If you believe you have a genuine gripe with the BBC or The One Show over bias or inaccuracies, then please speak out. Maybe together we can gather the evidence. On the other hand you may wish to defend the BBC. Again, please speak out.

Monday, 4 January 2010

# 1: We watch The One Show. Many of us are tired of being moderated for being off topic.

Yes, we like to talk about the show. Indeed some of us frequently feel compelled to do so, often out of rage and frustration. But we have fertile minds including some rampant imaginations. Consequently we often wander away to other topics. Then we get moderated. Here we can chatter away freely. Though I suggest we start off each day with some comments that arise from watching the latest edition of The One Show.


The One Show