I feel that Adrian Chiles is losing favour with the BBC as far as TOS is concerned and is on his way out. Who will replace him? My choice would be Mathew Wright but I doubt if C5 would let him go. I have an inkling that the BBC is thinking of Gyles Brandreth.
The RAF’s DEI Disaster: How Virtue Signalling Grounded Britain’s Defences
The Royal Air Force (RAF) is facing a crisis of its own making, and the
British government deserves equal blame. A pilot shortage, now threatening
1 week ago
Mathew Wright, bring it on! Mathew does for me what Rachel does for astroplums.
ReplyDeleteI must admit that I find the press stories about AC being on 4 days a week and CB 5 days a week strange.
If they were to change presenters for Fridays, I think both would change.
Stories abound about him and allegedly she is off to pastures new. But who knows the truth.
Brandreth would be fine, but think he would get on my nerves pretty quickly with all that gushing.
Just watched CB video on that 'wish CB well' blog.
ReplyDeleteVery touching in some ways I suppose, it's just that I can't stand people who see themselves as 'celebs' spouting forth about the sadness of other peoples lives, whilst probably spending more on one meal than the kid she talks of,will see in a year.
Bit like Bono, always promoting himself, in the African morass.
Perhaps I an being unfair. It's just that I prefer action to words.
In Bombay we frequently got visitors who would spend a couple of weeks there spouting forth about the poverty in the streets. I used to suggest to them that they when they returned to UK they should sell their car and send the money to Mother Theresa. They were usually quiet after that.
ReplyDeleteI have reason to believe that the BBC is currenly taking a hard look at TOS.
ReplyDeleteHave you gleaned this from the current survey you are doing?
ReplyDeleteOne thing for sure is that TOS has become utterly sterile in the last few weeks.
I normally take no interest in football and footballers but this article on Frank Lampard has opened my eyes. It could be that CB has made a good choice, providing of course that he does not return to the mother of his children.
ReplyDeleteJH 0938
ReplyDeleteI am slightly confused with your post, in that she is supposedly no longer involved with. (as per some of the red tops today and the Mail article where he states he is single).
I am assuming that you are alluding to the fact she has made a good choice in not being involved with him and hopefully he should get back to the mother of his children.
If I misunderstood, my apologies.
ReplyDeleteMy point was that the report on FL came as surprise to me bearing in mind that I had assumed, wrongly, that he was the usual thick footballer. It was solely this point that had grabbed my attention. I did not really pay much attention to the rest of it.
I thought that CB was still seeing him. I also thought that if even she was there still remained a chance that he might ditch her and return to the mother of his children.
ReplyDeleteI was interested in your other point about the Beeb having a good look at the programme. I note somewhere in the press today that they indeed are looking at the format and a possible revamp.
Wondered if your survey had given you an insight into the BBC machinations re TOS.
astroplums, your 1618, The survey often gives an insight into the programme makers plans and concerns. Membership of the survey panel is conditional upon a confidentiality agreement which they take take seriously. I do not want to get slung off.
ReplyDeleteJH 1646
Haven't heard from Jaded. Hope she is alright.
ReplyDeleteI'm home, bruised, bewildered and drugged to the eyeballs, but here to fight another day! Thank you all for your kind thoughts and wishes,I was unable to reply as I have been unable to use either hand for most of the time. Will talk later when I have caught up with the outside world
ReplyDeleteGood girl. Welcome home.
Welcome back jadedoldie.
ReplyDeleteThere is a discussion on TOSblog about bullying. The popular opinion appears to be that you cannot be expected to sort the bully out by yourself. But that is not my experience. I have had three bosses in the past who tried to bully me. I found it easy to make them stop. A quite word with no witnesses present always did the trick. A bully is easily scared off.
ReplyDeleteNowadays one is encouraged to go down the official route of a formal complaint. At the end of which lies a fat compensation payment. Some of these payments are astonishingly high - six figures in some cases. Given my time over I might consider being bullied as a career choice.
ReplyDeleteQuite agree with you on the bullying matter.
Re your bit yesterday on the Lampard write up, I looked for the first time at the 'comments' following yet another piece in the DM on the web today.
I was surprised how hostile so many posts were to CB. Certainly not garnering much sympathy.
Jaded, hope you are beginning to feel better.
Hi Jaded, good to hear your back. Wishing you well.
ReplyDeleteModerator Ryan appears to be making an early appearance tonging just to say hello and to welcome bloggers. I wonder why?
Danedweller 1854
ReplyDeleteYes, Anthony seems to be getting the 5 star treatment.
Hi folks, hi Danedweller, just surfaced for half an hour to catch up on the blog [opiates are soooo wasted on junkies. lol]. I always knew Host Officious is a waste of good skin, but are he, the obnoxious juniperjewel and newbie anthony a menage a trois for god's sake? Hopefully can surface for long enough tomorrow to try and catch up on all the snippets you have highlighted. Goodnight and god [or whatever does it for you] bless all.
ReplyDeleteHi jadedoldie 23.22
ReplyDeletePleased your back and sounding a little more like your old self. Hopefully, you will soon be up to speed to have some class banter with juniperjewel. He/she is obviously missing you.
Bright blessings/namaste.
I wonder what name Anthony will use the next time?
ReplyDeleteMaybe Cleopatra?
JH 2038
ReplyDeleteYes, Anthony is a strange one and Host Ryan's greeting last night was extremely odd.
According to today's Daily mail AC has threatened to quit TOS. Pray, wherein lies the threat.
ReplyDeleteI read that article, but it has been doing the rounds for weeks now.
The suggestion that she is 'furious' is strange, because they are obviously quite close given his support for her with her training and she is clearly quite happy with his support.
I think her quip "don't believe everything you read", when Roland Rat mentioned her footballer boyfriend, is true about this thing as well.
Rememberinbg back to the stand-ins whilst they were on holidays, I think the BBC have difficulty getting a pair whose personality will suit the show. Their wildly differnet personalities do work, although neither are 'perfect'. Maybe a case of better the Devil you know - !
On TOSblog there is JohnFrum quoting me as saying things that I have never said. Am I being smeared? I hope so. It could be fun.
ReplyDeleteJohnFrum's post #111 has been removed. I have asked the moderator to restore it.
ReplyDeleteTonight's TOSblog: I see that Anthony is first in again bright and early at 1735. He has got to connected with the show.
ReplyDeleteJH, you beat me to it! I just logged on to find Anthony had posted a comment. Just waiting for Host Ryan to greet him. He must surely be connected.
ReplyDeleteJH & Danrdweller
ReplyDeleteAnthonhy's post 123 on yesterdays blog is an interesting reponse to this rubbish in the papers. Perhaps he knows something the DM doesn't.
astroplums 18.29
ReplyDeleteHe does champion AC at every opportunity!
Have just been reading the DM, for the BBC to be grooming Chris Evans for TOS on Friday night because of the success of TFI Friday a zillion years ago, just goes to show how out of touch the BBC are and how they continue to look back instead of forward.
ReplyDeleteRead the DM posts in ref. to the story about Chiles possibly leaving. If you click the 'view all' button, you find a lot of surprising responses.
ReplyDeleteastroplums, Your 23:52,
ReplyDeleteI've taken a look.
AC does not appear to be popular with DM readers. It is tantamount to unanimous condemnation and for much the same reasons.
Sitting next to Chris Moyles tonight, AC may give the impression that he is well groomed.
ReplyDeleteBlimey, the TOS blog is getting a bit brutal.
ReplyDeleteastroplums, Your 18:15,
ReplyDeleteTOS does that to people.
As an avid Radio 5 listener, was surprised this morning to hear old AC back, as a guest, at his old stomping ground. Must say that on radio he came across, without script, hen came across very well.Perhaps TOS ought to cut him a bit more slack with the scripted stuff.
ReplyDeletesorry for typos and repetition in previous post.
ReplyDeleteAnyone watch that Chris Moyles show last night? It iwas awful. Don't know why CB would go on that other than nearly fall on her backside or show her fake tan to the world. TOS is great after that.
ReplyDeleteAC coming in for a lot of criticism tonight for the rudness to his guest, and quite rightly so. I thought he was pathetic tonight. He struggled to construct a simple question without making an utter lash up of it.
ReplyDeleteDanedweller 1958
ReplyDeleteIn fairness, though, Carly Simon was so slow.
Yes, she was but I think that AC and CB with some skills could have taken control without appearing so rude. Maybe she was having difficulty with his Brummy accent and her Irish accent! I doubt she comes into contact with many Brummies day to day in the States. Sometimes he mummbles so much I can't understand what he is trying to say.
ReplyDeleteNo Anthony tonight to come to AC defence!!
ReplyDelete2026 Danedweller
ReplyDeleteGive it time!
Tyroneshoelaces arrives late, complimenting AC, then strangely, lots of blogs are reported to the moderator. I suspect he had done it, or AC has removed them.
ReplyDeleteNever seen posts take so long to be moderated. Do these mods cover all the BBC sites or are they specific to each blog?
ReplyDeletelast evening Anthony arrived at 10.46, Juniperjewel 10.56 and surprise, surprise watchingone checks in at 10.57.
ReplyDeleteI do believe they are holding hands.