Any helpful suggestions out there?
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
A New Week On TOS
Some of you will remember the song above. It has strong and happy memories for me. The drummer is Lesley Dash. We were good friends and neighbours on Penang in the late 60’s. I had last heard from Les in 1970. However, we got in touch again through the internet a few weeks ago. We exchanged photos. Oh dear – we are both so much older now. Where the bloody hell did those forty years go.
Does anyone know when the hour long TOS Friday shows with Chris Evans begin?
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Jay’s [is that his name?] food item last night was better than usual. Albeit that TOS was again bringing us yesterday’s news tomorrow.
For once AC was able to resist trying to poke fun at Jay[?]. AC can be a bit of bully when confronted by a guest or colleague of whom he disapproves. The presenters should know that they are not bigger than the show.
Personally, I yearn for a magazine type show in the early evening. TOS frequently lets me down. Having said that, I detect some improvement in the standard and content of the show recently.
It is good to hear new voices on the site. Welcome one and all.
We’ve got guests coming to stay today. So, it’s time to think about feeding them.
(What IS he doing to that carrot).

Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Farewell TOSblog
So, the Producer has sent TOSblog to sleep with the fishes. I expect the criticism of TOS became too much for some to bear. Even though the criticism was in the main constructive.
It is also a shame because TOSblog was a source of pleasure to many. We made friends, enemies, friendly enemies and finally friends of enemies but never enemies of friends. I shall miss it.
I hope that some of the erstwhile TOSbloggers will find their way to this site. Here they can talk freely. They will certainly be welcome.
I have been neglecting this site of late and I apologies for that. I have been dragged away by family matters. Nothing bad just time consuming.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Carly Simon & AC’s technique.
It appears that once again TOS has stepped into a minefield. The i/v with Carly Simon was truly an embarrassment. It has generated a mass criticism of Adrian Chiles on TOSblog.
Chiles has neither the technique nor I suspect the will to handle difficult moments during the show.
Chiles is a bit like Basil Fawlty. He is either fawning over the guests or quarrelling with them. Well, to be accurate I should not say quarrelling but instead sneering.
It is interesting to note that juniperjewel has once again ridden to the rescue of TOS. JJ implies that in cases like this it is always the fault of the guest. Presumably that is the TOS party line. Of course when an i/v goes well AC must take the praise. But those moments are rare.