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Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Farewell TOSblog


So, the Producer has sent  TOSblog to sleep with the fishes. I expect the criticism of TOS became too much for some to bear. Even though the criticism was in the main constructive.

It is also a shame because TOSblog was a source of pleasure to many. We made friends, enemies, friendly enemies and finally friends of enemies but never enemies of friends. I shall miss it.

I hope that some of the erstwhile TOSbloggers will find their way to this site. Here they can talk freely. They will certainly be welcome.

I have been neglecting this site of late and I apologies for that. I have been dragged away by family matters. Nothing bad just time consuming.


  1. JH
    Welcome back.

    Like you, I hope many of the regular TOS bloggers will drop by and join in the forum.

    P.S Your dog has beautiful eyes.

  2. astroplums, Your 1810. Yes, it is confusing. the YouTube link appears to be lost, somehow.

  3. JH
    Never mind, it's a great effort nonetheless.

    The TOS presenters seem much more at ease this week. Perhaps thet are as happy as we are that SR is history.

  4. I do hope that some of the regular TOSbloggers pop in to say hello and contribute. We could perhaps conspire to pester TOS with a barrage of e-mails and silly photos.

  5. JH and astroplums, quite sad to realise that yet another network of interacting bloggers has been brought to an end. I do hope that some of the regulars do join in here, and I love the idea of tormenting TOS with inane e-mails!

  6. jaded

    I think that they would shut the email system down.

    On occasions, they put up a separate email for a specific show when they ask for photos of silly things to show at the end of the programme. I can think of some silly photos that they definitely wouldn't show.

  7. astroplums, I now have plenty of time to trawl the internet for photos they would luuuuurve to have,lol.

  8. Where is Danedweller tonight, too much grape pop, you little rascal?

  9. I think she was on the TOS blog early on.

  10. I am off to do a 'Mystery Shop' today. Great fun and the fee will come in handy.

  11. The blog is dead, a new day begins. Let's get this blog up and running from tonight.

    All are welcome with their comments and I hope the stalwarts remain faithful to our evening rap.

  12. Jaded 21.58

    Yes Jaded, too much grapepop, 'im in doors' is in the UK again, so for now affectionatly known as 'im outdoors' just until tomorrow.

    It was lovely to read the various messages last night, I just felt unable to join in as words were failing me.
    Hopefully, a few might make it over here tonight!! I do hope so.

  13. Fascinating that Anthony got the last one in before they closed it.

    I have grave reservations as to Anthony. I think he spends his working life in Green Lane.

  14. Very weak, bland website they have now installed.

    Perhaps the less they tell us, the happier they are.

  15. astroplums, I have to agree with you, very little on there, although they stated we can access the old blogs etc., I can see no link on the website.
    Perhaps I am missing something?

    I also noticed Anthony managed to slip in just at the bitter end! Perhaps he pulled the plug.

  16. astroplums and danedweller, like you two I am unimpressed by the new all singing all dancing TOS website, much like the shows presenters I fear, all front and no bottom!!! Danedweller the blogs can be reached by clicking on "blogs" at the top of the homepage.

  17. Jadedoldie 18.24

    Hi Jaded,
    On the web page I have, there is not blog


    I tried googling The One Show as if a new searcher, rather than using my old link and got the above web page. Am I making sense? Probably not ha ha. Call the police!

  18. oh dear, another bother up in the above posting.

  19. I wonder if sxg123 will be submitting emails tonight.

    I suspect that TOS is expecting an initial overdose of emails.

  20. Welcome Bam 1901!

    Dear God, she's better with the fringe hiding that left eyebrow - looks like Mortichia!

  21. Maybe Christine can use her huge influence with Sports Relief to get some funding for these kids who are being denied a powered wheelchair.

  22. I find Christine very annoying

  23. I think she has changed her parting to the opposite side, no improvement there then.

    Her false giggle is a just a big tooooo much tonight.

  24. If, as CB tells us, that we are having to tighten our belts after the budget, just use her problem solver - hump a halfwit footballer.

  25. A great thing about living in Denmark is the car is insured not the driver, so anyone can drive the car. No need for named drivers.

  26. How stupid of AC to sugest that CB might fancý the guest, she is going out with a CASH POINT.

  27. Christine just bought a huge gas guzzler, don't think she cares!!!!

  28. not too many regulars in tonight

  29. Bam

    It's only an A5

    It may take a little time for the regulars to come over.

  30. hope they come enjoyed the wit

  31. Predictable reaction from Christine with the foot therapy, all giggly and girlie. For someone who has just waterskiid the channel a bit of an over reaction me thinks.

  32. Maybe the BBC refused to pay her danger money

  33. She's a bit of a woos with all creatures.

    Must say that AC seems a lot more interested in what's going on these days and is getting a few funnies in.

    Notice rent-a-mob is back in force - won't be long before the whole Chelsea team are in - when Arsenal win the league!

  34. Will Christine appear wearing the strip!

  35. For heavens sake,apart from the fact that the fish therapy is sooooo last year, does that hysterical woman think they are piranha? The show is definitely dumbing down, and CB looks the worse for wear.

  36. Danedweller, step AWAY from the glass, lol. Go to TOS, click on Backstage on the right hand side under LINKS, and across the top of the page that takes you to you will see BLOGS.

  37. Where have jaded and JH gone?


    After begging us for money and playing the meek little mouse, she seems to be making sure she's not caught coming out of the Dorchester with the strip. Mind you, I probably spoken too soon. The DM will catch her if & when.

  38. Always here if you need me, lol. Perhaps JH got carried away with his mystery shopper outing today!!!

  39. CB seems to have stopped wearing short skirts, she must be in love!!!

  40. bam 2133

    She'll have them back again, don't worry. Her pins are her best bits and she loves showing them off. On the other hand maybe he's not so happy about it. Apparently, he likes his women well hidden. Maybe a Burka for her!

  41. jaded

    What's this mystery shopper thing. Is it a TV programme?

  42. No astroplums, you are paid to go into stores and carry out a transaction as a method of assessing the general standards of service.

  43. Dandweller your 19:19 about the practice of insuring the car rather than the driver. How does the insurance company adjust the risk bearing in mind that some drivers are more of a risk than others eg teenage males as opposed to over 50 ladies?

  44. JH

    Interesting point. However, Spain does the same, I believe.

  45. I was occupied for most of yesterday preparing and carrying out my Mystery Shop. I enjoyed it. I had to take a mental arithmetic numeracy exam at a Test Centre and attempt to cheat by smuggling in a calculator. I got the calculator in OK by the simple process of lying when they asked me if I had one on my person. But I was quickly caught using it presumably by the CCTV. It was good fun. That is if you do not mind coming across as a liar and a cheat. I must admit that I did not like this aspect and then I thought about the money and everything was OK.

  46. JH 0954

    'Im indoors' says it is to do with the number of cars on the road (dah?), apparently there are so few cars here, a population around 5 million, and most families only have one car, yes only one car! The law of averages, he tells me on having accidents being quite low, doesn't have much of an impact on the insurance companies. Sounds like a load of old baloney to me. (He usually comes up with this sort of answer, when he doesn't know what he is talking about and tries to blind me with science). Then again, there are the few occasions when he is right.

  47. JH, money does seem to have a therapeutic effect on us all, that does sound like an interesting way of earning a few bob! Just for interest, were you allowed to complete the test, and if so, did you pass?

  48. jadedoldie, your 14:51, No I had to fail the test either by being caught cheating or by manipulating my answers. It would not have been difficult to fail bearing in mind that arithmetic is far from my strongest subject. However, I was caught cheating within the first 10 mins and got slung out.

    On another occasion I had to shop for a £100,000 Aston Martin. The object was to get the salesman to knock 10% off the price. Which he did. I then told him I would have to go away and think about it. Similarly, I had to pose as a buyer for a new car around £50,000 at Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Land Rover, etc. The aim was to haggle for the lowest price. Good fun and plenty of free cups of coffee. My all time favourite was for American Express. I had to go to preselected shops across London to check if they were displaying the Amex sign. I was living in London at the time. I spent about 2 weeks on the job and had fun discovering London.
    The best ones though are the Bars in luxury hotels. But enough, I am going on too long. Soon be time for TOS

  49. JH 10.01

    Must confess I cried with laughter at your posting. I do have a warpped sense of humour linked to a suspect pelivic floor. lol

  50. The first page on the new website form TOS has to be the least interesting web page on the BBC.

    No information re guests, nothing to entice you to the programme.

    Very poor PR.

  51. astroplums 1820
    I have to agree with you, I have found the back of paint tins more interesting to read.

    Where is the info on the guest and the subjects to be featured? If you go to the 'contact us' link it sends your round in circles!

    It is bland and uninteresting, an insult to the regular viewer and user of the website.

  52. Maybe they have spent all TOS budget on CB wages

  53. Andy 1847

    Certainly on her expenses! That skiing build up and training, with all the crews that were involved must have cost a mint.

    Mind you she doesn't care, she got what she wanted out of it.

  54. andy 18.47.

    Hi Andy,

    I doubt that Chris Evans will come cheap either.

  55. Not to keen on yum yum Friday, annoying

  56. ye and Chris needs the money!!!

  57. I'm thinking of changing to Emmerdale

  58. Christine, don't you realise that your cash point card and the other numpties at Chelsea caused Roman a lot of debt as well. Come on the Gunners!

  59. That dog had a beer belly

  60. When AC had the beard, the jackets appeared. Now the beard has gone - the jumpers are back, mmmmm can't work that one out.

  61. andy 19.09

    No, he's as fit as a butcher's dog.

  62. Its a funny show tonight

  63. At least old AC can laugh at himself

  64. Its got good again, stopped watching when Sport Relief was on.

  65. To think it was only the other night when Torville and Dean was on (and they showed a photo of Christopher Dean in a lycra cat suit)I said, don't even think of wearing a cat suit Adrian!! He just didn't listen. The suit did nothing to hid his orchestra stalls.

  66. andy 1923.

    I looked back on TOS blog, CB's skiing challenge was first promoted in early January, no wonder we were all suffering from SR fatigue 3 months later!

  67. The BBC should have realised bloggers were annoyed at the sport relief overplay and not the show.

  68. That was probably the funniest One Show ever.

  69. well the wife is dragging me out, night all

  70. gaz911

    nice to see you. It was a fun show. It's getting better.

  71. I think AC is trying a bit harder recently, the realisation that he is NOT indispensable maybe concentrating his mind a bit.

  72. Nice to see you all!

    Better show tonight, although CB was a bit dipsy.

    The rentacrowd is still embarrassing with that wally in the background and his bit of straw in his gob.

    Still AC can take the pee out of himself, which is good and CB's new hair is a great improvement.

  73. Hi flunk (ooh just seen the rest of your name!!)

    Good to see you have made it over.

  74. I hope CB managed to get the straw out of her hair before she went off to the Ivy. In the past she probably found it logged in other areas. lol

  75. Danedweller 2022

    Surely you don't mean her penalty spot! He's missed a few recently.

  76. TOS has not had anything really contentious of late and I wonder with the run up to the election, if they will dip their toes in the water with biased journos like Kaye Adams again.

    Lately the show has been light hearted in the extreme and has provoked little firebrand response.

    Maybe that is the new guys m.o.

  77. It's 21.45 here, so signing off tonight. The start of the tourist season this week. Summer houses inspection in the morning before our Swedish and German friends arrive and mow us down with their Mercs and Volvos.

    Hej Hej,

  78. Strange how CB feigned boredom with the piece on football tonight.

    Surely if she is involved with a dimwit footballer, it would be better just to come out and say it.

    She seems to be hung up on this 'I'm so not a wag routine'.

  79. Hi folks, had just relaxed and was watching the show with some interest when I was visually assaulted by the verandah over the toyshop close-up of AB. Have the BBC no idea that people may be eating at that time, lol. Thank god the brandy bottle was within reach!!

  80. jadedoldie, Your 21:05, Yes, that view made me turn away from the screen. Having said that, the running order and segways in TOS seem to be a little tidier than before. The show is less ragged.

  81. The show is improving, but I still find AC's need to trivialise more serious matters very irritating. CB seems more able to cope with the deeper items they attempt. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for the Paxman approach to presenting as that would be ridiculous on TOS, but AC appears to be uncomfortable with any item of import.

  82. jadedoldie, your 11:55,

    I agree. AC is prone to being supercilious.
